Apply for Entrepreneur License : Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority

Organization : Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority
Facility : Apply for Entrepreneur License
Country : Saudi Arabia
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SAGIA Apply for Entrepreneur License

This service is provided to entrepreneurs who wish to start a business in Saudi accredited by Saudi universities or business incubators.

Related : Saudi Arabian General Authority Renew Investment License :

Required Documentations

** A letter from the entrepreneur’s board of directors showcasing the desire to get the license, stating the business type, its sponsors and outlining roles and responsibilities of the board of directors.

** Provide a copy of the national identification for Saudis or Gulf nationals or the Iqama/Passport for other nationalities.​
** Obtain a letter of support from the supervising authority (Saudi universities or business incubators) within the Kingdom.

Service Rules & Restrictions

** Provide an authorization letter from a Saudi university or a business incubator.
** If the applicant is a resident of the Kingdom, the Saudi sponsor should submit a letter of no objection.
** The license duration shall be five years upon issuance.

Service Fees

** A fee of two thousand Saudi Riyals (2000 SAR) annually for the first 5 years.
** A fee of ten thousand Riyals (10,000 SAR) at the beginning of 6th year.
** Service fees to be paid within 60 days from the date of bill issuance. In case of the payment is delayed, the service maybe cancelled and the applicant may have to apply again.

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How To Apply : By applying through SAGIA E-Services Portal
Expected Time For License Issuance : Two working days.​


1. Who are the beneficiaries of the entrepreneur licensing service?
This service is offered for entrepreneurs who wish to start up a business accredited by Saudi universities or business incubators.

2. What are the requirements for obtaining the entrepreneur licensing service?
** The decision of the board of directors of the company to obtain the license. This should include of the type of business, its sponsor and with specifying authority for each member.

A copy of national identification if one of the partners is holding one of GCC nationality or a copy of national identity if one of the partners holds Saudi nationality / residence and passport for the applicant.

** Obtaining a letter of support or proof of accreditation of the project from the supervising authority (universities or business incubators) within the Kingdom.

3. What are the conditions for obtaining the entrepreneur licensing service?
** A letter of support or proof of endorsement by accredited universities or business incubators in Saudi Arabia.
** A letter of support from the Saudi sponsor if the applicant is a non-Saudi living in the Kingdom.
** The license period is five years.

4. Is the entrepreneur licensing service offered to individuals residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?​
This service is offered to individuals residing in the Kingdom upon obtaining accreditation of the project from the supervising authority (universities or business incubators) within the Kingdom. Individuals residing in the Kingdom must obtain a letter of no objection from the Saudi sponsor.

Categories: Saudi Arabia
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