dcaa.gov.ae Issuing Master Plan Noc : Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

Organization : Dubai Civil Aviation Authority
Service Name : Issuing Master Plan Noc
Applicable For : Consultant Project owner/developer​
Country: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Details : http://www.dcaa.gov.ae/en/Pages/MasterPlanNOC.aspx?sid=24

DCAA Issuing Master Plan Noc

This service enables the customers to obtain a No Objection Certificate for heights of particular Master Plan within the Emirate of Dubai.

Related : Dubai Civil Aviation Authority Landing Permission : www.statusin.org/41815.html

This service shall ensure that a group of buildings, structures within certain area will not impact the flight safety of Dubai airports and capacity of Dubai airspace.This service is mandatory according to International Civil Aviation Regulation

Where to get this service – Online (dcaa.gov.ae)


(The following information is required to obtain this service)This does not absolve companies and/or individuals from obtaining the required permissions and/or approvals applicable to any aviation related activities not listed in the DCAA service lists.Applicable For Customers – Consultant Project owner/developer


​Registration for first time -Customer Login and select services-Customer Fill in information-Customer Submit application-Customer Pay online (e-Government)-Customer Receive Application Online – DCAA Review submitted documents -DCAA Assess application as per location – DCAA Approve, Reject or request more info – DCAA Download approved NOC copy – DCAA Download and print – Customer

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Required Documents

Dubai Civil Aviation Authority (DCAA) requires the following guidelines to be followed in order that the correct information is submitted to obtain Building Height NOCs.

Letter shall be address to: The Director General Dubai Civil Aviation Authority P.O. Box 49888-Dubai, UAE Fax: +971 4 2200808A letter from the party requesting the NOC which should include the name of the area of Dubai and the plot number or name of a project.

The letter should also include a statement of the intended maximum buildings height (to include any ancillary structures), in meters, above ground and DMD levels.A statement of the plot ground level height relative to Dubai Municipality Datum (DMD) or Mean Sea Level.

The plot and structures coordinates in WGS 84 Geographical (degrees/minutes/seconds), UTM or DLTM format.Affection or/an cadastral plan shall be enclosed.

All structures greeter then 90 meters above ground level is subject to a Special Aeronautical Survey which should be attached to any request for an NOC. The survey document will provide all the required information.

Please note that the survey should be provided in a soft copy Format (editable)All structures greeter then 150 meters above ground level is subject to a Special Aeronautical Study which should be attached to any request for an NOC.

The survey document will provide all the required information. Please note that the survey should be provided in a soft copy Format (editable)

Terms and Conditions

Height NOC for particular buildings of Master Plan might be required ;Only those aviation safety aspects that pertain to obstacle control is the subject of this NOC.

Potential hazards and impacts, caused by other factors, in particular, aviation noise and pollution have not been part of this DCAA assessment and therefore shall be additionally evaluated by project developer in coordination with other responsible institutions.

DCAA shall not be held responsible and answerable for any hazards and impacts that have not been stipulated by condition of this NOC.

Tags: dcaa.gov.ae
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