VAT Taxpayer Lookup Saudi Arabia

Organization : General Authority of Zakat & Tax GAZT
Facility : VAT Taxpayer Lookup
Country : Saudi Arabia
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GAZT VAT Taxpayer Lookup

Taxpayer lookup tool allows you to check if business supplier is VAT registered.

Related : GAZT VAT Payment & Collection Saudi Arabia :

You can search by VAT Account Number comprised of 15 digits. You can find the VAT Account Number on the invoice (examples below). Searching by VAT Account Number is a recommended method.

Alternatively you can also search by :
** CR (Company Registration) comprised of 10 digits, which the supplier should provide you upon request
** VAT Certificate No. comprised of 15 digits, which can be found on VAT registration certificate of supplier

To perform the search, you should follow the 3 steps :
Step 1 : Select your search parameter (VAT Account Number or CR or VAT Certificate No.)
Step 2 : Enter the exact parameter number in the search field
Step 3 : Click on “Search” button to obtain the results

VAT Deregistration

A registered taxpayer who was eligible for VAT in the past but is no longer eligible, as per the regulations specified under Article 13 of the implementing regulations, should apply for de-registration.

After a successful deregistration application, VAT taxpayer will no longer be liable to submit his future VAT returns. However, he must fulfil his existing filing obligation and pay outstanding liabilities.

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1. How can I request for installment plan?
Installment plan request is available on taxpayer dashboard in the requests section.
2. How can I request for Zakat Certificate?
Zakat Certificate request is available on taxpayer dashboard in the requests section.

3. I have already requested for certificate; how can I request for a duplicate?
Zakat Certificate duplicate is also available on taxpayer dashboard in the requests section.
4. How can I submit contract release application?
Contract release application is available on taxpayer dashboard in the requests section

5. Can ‘self-billing’ be used?
Self-billed Tax Invoices may be issued by the Customer on behalf of a Supplier in respect of a Taxable Supply made to the Customer, provided that a prior agreement between the Supplier and the Customer has been made to this effect.

Such agreement must confirm a procedure for the acceptance of each Invoice by the Supplier of the Goods or Services, and include an undertaking by the Supplier not to issue Tax Invoices in respect of those Supplies.

6. What is a “simplified invoice”?
A simplified invoice is an invoice that contains basic information and basic details about the seller and buyer and is issued only when the amount of the purchase is less than 1000 Saudi Riyals.

7. If a customer does not pay for a good/service, are companies still required to pay VAT?
Yes they are required to pay. If account payables proof irrecoverable, the taxpayer may reduce his Output Tax for the Tax amount calculated on the Consideration not paid in the Tax Return.

The adjustment can only be performed though when all of the conditions stated in Art. 40 (7) of the VAT Implementing Regulations are met.

8. When will GAZT pay back refunds?
If the claim is approved either partially or in full, the Authority will make the payment to the bank account indicated by the Eligible Person in the application within sixty (60) days from the date of approval of the request.

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