E-Participation Saudi Arabia : Ministry of Education

Organization : Ministry of Education
Facility : ​​​E-Participation
Country : Saudi Arabia
Website :

MOE E-Participation

Since the unification of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the late King AbdulAziz Al Saud – may Allah rest his soul in peace.

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And through the History of Country, its Leadership is maintaining an Open Door Policy, which is enabling the citizens to express their opinions, and the leadership to look at his or her issue.

All the officials are following the same policy, so that a citizen is able to visit a government official, or the Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques the King – may Allah save him – to tell his or her grievance, and to have his say.

Considering, the enormous development, and growth in the numbers of citizens, and the complex nature of their civil lives, and their necessities; and in spite of massive development, and transformation of Peoples’ means of communication, Ministry deemed it necessary to cope with such transformation, and to utilize such development in communication to ensure continuity of the Citizens’ Tradition to express their issues, and opinions to the leadership; and to those entrusted with Citizen’s Services at all Government Agencies.

Electronic Social Participation Policy

Based on Ministry’s Belief about the Significance of Constructive Dialogue, and benefiting from Experiences of those concerned with Education and Experience of members of the Educati​​on Field of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to contribute in Development , Progress and Decision Making, Ministry sought to utilize technology to provide opportunity to all for communicating with the Ministry and Share in their Experience, Recommendations, Solutions, Ideas and Complaints through va​rious online channels like Forums, Blogs, Surveys, Comments, Polls and Ratings for services they use.

Policy of E-Participation in Decision Making

Ministry welcomes Experienced Individuals and Stakeholders to participate and express their opinion in Ministry’s Important Decisions and Future Policies.

In doing so, Ministry is justifying its role to serve Citizens, Knowledge and Scholars, and shaping the Policies of Higher Education, and Knowledge Community of Saudi Arabia. Ministry recognizes the nature of​​​​​​ Human Work, the Possibility of Erring and Imperfection.

The participation and engagement of Experienced Individuals and those directly involved in Education Field gives Ministry an opportunity to measure adequacy of its decisions to those affected and provides room for Review and Modification of Policies and removal of any deficiency before Adoption and Application.

Participation facilitates receiving insights of competent people where participation might be inconvenient through traditional channels.

Terms & Conditions

To ensure following the relevant rules and regulations used in the country and improve the level of discussion for the purpose of achieving the desired goals, the Ministry of Education set Terms and Conditions for the e-Participation in its available Electronic Participation Tools.

These Terms and Conditions state that Participants must :
​** Not to Violate the Teachings, Rules of Islam, National, Society Customs, and Norms.
** Follow the Relevant Rules and Regulations of the​​​​​​ Country.

** Adhere to Etiquette of Dialogue and Discussion and refrain from Slander, Defamation and Backbiting, Racism and Discrimination against any Race, Sect, Tribe or Gender.
** Be Objective, Clear, Summarized, and Be Relevant to the Topic of Discussion.

** Respect other Participants’ Viewpoints, and use the Appropriate Words, and Expression while Communicating.
** Use the Formal Style and Grammatically Correct Arabic as long as possible.

** Be Precise and Careful when quoting from the Noble Quran and the Sayings of Prophet Mohammed (Prophetic Hadith), and mention the source of the quote whether from Noble Quran or Authentic Books of hadith.

** Not to Violate the Copyrights and the Rights, Rules, and Regulations of Intellectual Property, and mention the Sources, and References of the Quote.
** Not to Publish Personal or Contact Information of any Person or any Entity, such as Names, Contact Numbers, Addresses for Marketing Purposes.

** Not to Misuse or Abuse the Service of Electronic Participation of the Ministry of Education in any way that may affect its Functioning, Security, Speed, or Stability, or in any way that may prevent other People from using it.

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