Check Transaction Status Saudi Arabia : Public Agency

Organization : Public Pension Agency
Facility : Check Transaction Status
Location : Riyadh
Country : Saudi Arabia
Website :

Pension Check Transaction Status

Please enter the below details to Check your Transaction Status,

Related : Public Pension Agency Civil Scheme Saudi Arabia :

1. Enter your Civil ID*
2. Select Birth Date
3. Enter Capatch Code
(*) Mandatory Fields
4. Click on the Submit button

Pensioner Services

Statement of Annual Account :
This service provides you with a statement of the retirement pension for one year. Such statement contains the value of pension, discounts and accumulations if any.

Adding a Beneficiary :
Through this service you can input all information and data of your family members to register the same accurately on the PPA databases to facilitate communication with them easily when required.

Account Statement :
This service provides you with a detailed account statement of the swift transfers, transfer value and the date thereof.

Cash Status :
This service displays the amount to be deposited in your account, Account NO and the deposit date.

Related Post

Name Modification :
You can modify your name in PPA database using this service, and uploading the required documents that proofing this modification such as (A copy of your ID). A message will be displayed as soon as the service accomplished.

Beneficiary Services

Print a retirement pension definition :
By this service you can print a formal pension definition attested by the PPA to submit to it Whom It May Concern.

Transaction Follow – Up :
This service provides you with a list containing all transactions connected to your civil registry number so you can be provided with the status of every transaction and the date, number and type thereof in addition to the notes appearing on each transaction, documents and data required to be completed.

Subscription in the mailing Lists :
This service aims to open direct communication channels with retirees to know the latest activities and services provided by the PPA through publishing all PPA news on the email automatically to a retiree.

Previewing Discount Statement :
This service provides a detailed list of all discounts affecting the value of monthly pension, reasons thereof, date of discount end and the value of original discount.

Pension Status :
This service displays the value of your monthly pension and the pension status (activated or deactivated) and the deactivation reason if deactivated.

Beneficiaries’ Data :
This service provides a detailed list of the names of all beneficiaries and the relationship of each beneficiary to the original retiree and the share of each beneficiary and the status of its monthly pension (activated or deactivated) in addition to the name of the disburser.

Preview the Name of Disburser :
This service provides the name of the disbursing agent or the beneficiary’s name if it has no agent.

Print a Pension Settlement Letter :
This service displays a printed report on the service terms, added terms, discounted terms and amended terms to enable you, through such information, to know how to reach the monthly pension and the calculated service term.

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