Issuance of License for Service Activity Saudi Arabia

Organization : Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority
Facility : Issuance of License for Service Activity
Country : Saudi Arabia
Website :

SAGIA Issuance of License for Service Activity

Service activity license comprises of the following activities :

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(Real Estate, Agriculture, Trading, Administrative Investment, Information Technology, Tourism, Training, Health, Insurance and Re-Insurance, Education, Advertising and Media, Logistic Services, Organizing Exhibitions, Catering and Food Services, Financial Services, Aviation and Handling Services, etc.).

Service Documents

** Shareholder’s Resolution to invest the in Kingdom, listing the names of shareholders, capital share of each shareholder, company headquarters, type of activity, names of the general manager and authorized representative, duly legalized by the competent authorities and the Saudi Embassy.

** Copy of the Articles of Association of the participating firm, duly authenticated by the Saudi Embassy.
** Copy of the commercial registration of the participating firm, duly authenticated by the Saudi Embassy.
** Copy of trade name reservation in case of intent to acquire a trade name for the company.
** Copy of the General Manager’s passport.

** Copy of the national ID, if one of the shareholders is a Saudi citizen, obtained from the Civil Status Department indicating profession, and a copy of the Commercial Registration, shareholders’ decision and the company’s Articles of Association.

** Company’s profile not exceeding five (5) pages.
** Provision of an undertaking to deposit full capital in an approved bank in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after issuance of investment license.

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However, when the capital exceeds five (5) million Riyals, it would be sufficient to deposit 25% of the capital and submit a deposit slip in the name of the firm before obtaining the commercial registration.

** A proof of financial capability to invest commensurately with the project’s share capital and equity of each shareholder, consistent with the action plan submitted for the project and according to the capital indicated for the kind of activity in Section No. (11.08) of this manual.

** Three (3) years Financial Statements authenticated by the competent’ s tax authorities in the investor’s country, duly authenticated by the Saudi Embassy.

** Detailed action plan accurately identifying the project’s capability to achieve investment objectives, as well as enhance the Kingdom’s Revenue , Along with the number of jobs provided to the citizens in other words (Saudization) ,jobs to be provided to the citizens, and how the project is going to contribute to fostering competition, enhance services, diversifying options for consumers, the strategic impact of the project on investment in the Kingdom, benefits of the city and the surrounding areas where the project will be located.

** An authorization authenticated by the Saudi Embassy form the applicant’s side, and must be from a law firm or services office or the General Manager.

Rules & Restriction

1. Obtain preliminary approval from the competent relevant government entity of the specialized activities, excluding those listed in Section No. (11.08) of this manual for which licenses can be issued, however, exercising the business will not be allowed until such approval is obtained.

2. Consistency between the total percentage of the Saudi (shareholder / shareholders) and the capital according to the financial limits set forth for the type of activity in Section No. (11.08) of this manual.

Service Mechanism

** Application is submitted on the website – E- services portal.
** Application is referred to the licensing department after verification of the entirety of the documents submitted.
** Application is referred to the licensing panel for recommendation.
** Application is referred to the Governor for decision.

Financial Fees

** Payment of license fee two thousand two thousand (2000) Riyals.
** Payment of ten thousand (10,000) Riyals as subscription for the first year to obtain services from the Business Center at SAGIA. Afterward the fee is applied as subscription fees for services in the following years in accordance to classification of the firm

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