Financial Assistance Studies Programme FASP : Ministry of Education Trinidad and Tobago

Organization : Ministry of Education
Facility : Financial Assistance Studies Programme FASP
Applicable For : Citizens of Trinidad and Tobago
Country : Trinidad and Tobago
Website :

What is MOE Financial Assistance Studies Programme?

The Financial Assistance (Studies) Programme is a government initiative designed to assist students in the pursuit of a post-secondary qualification or first undergraduate qualification.

Related / Similar Assistance : MOE TT Government Assistance For Tuition Expenses

The assistance is given in the form of a grant and acts as a supplementary fund to which applying does not guarantee funding. The grant can be accessed only once as it works in tandem with the student’s existing financial plans.

Successful awardees would be required to enter into an agreement with the government to work within the territory of Trinidad and Tobago for a period specified. Any breach in the agreement on the part of the student would result in the grant being converted to a loan.

Eligibility of MOE Financial Assistance Studies Programme

The programme is eligible to citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. Candidates must not reside permanently in any other country.

Applicants must be enrolled in an approved/recognised/accredited programme by the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) or the National Training Agency (NTA) locally or regionally in their pursuit of a post-secondary qualification or first undergraduate qualification.

Applicants attending foreign universities would only be considered provided that:
** The programme of study is not available locally or regionally and is relevant to the current development needs of the country
** The programme of study is approved/recognised by the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) or National Training Agency (NTA)
** The assistance is needed to complete the final year of study.

Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.00 (if they have been enrolled in the programme of study for more than one academic year), and the GPA must be maintained for the disbursement of approved tranches.

The following types of students are not eligible for the programme :
** Recipients of a full scholarship offered by and through the Government of Trinidad and Tobago are not eligible for funding under this programme.
** Applicants who were previously deemed to have deliberately misrepresented application information will be disqualified from future applications.
** Graduates of an undergraduate programme are not eligible for funding under this programme.

FASP Criteria of MOE Financial Assistance Studies Programme

The programme is a one-time only grant which acts as a student’s supplementary financial support in circumstances of need. It is not a form of scholarship or intended to be the student’s main source of funding.

** The programme of study must be at the post-secondary or undergraduate level
** The programme of study must be no less than 9 months in duration

** Financial assistance will only be considered for one programme of study which is approved/recognised by the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) or the National Training Agency (NTA)

** Awardees are not allowed to transfer approved funding to another programme or academic institution
** Pre-requisite or qualifying courses will not be considered

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** Successful awardees would be required to enter into an agreement with the government to work within the territory of Trinidad and Tobago for a period specified upon successful completion of the programme of study

** Any breach in the agreement on the part of the student would result in the grant being converted to a loan
** The Government of Trinidad and Tobago reserves the right to publish the names of applicants selected for financial assistance.
** Applicants may be required to attend an interview to validate application information
** The Financial Assistance Selection Committee may request an official of the ministry to conduct a visit to the applicant’s home to verify information
** Submission of an application does not guarantee financial assistance.

Value of Award and Disbursement :
** Disbursements of awards may take place in phased payments at the discretion of the Financial Assistance Selection Committee

** Payments may be disbursed directly to the education institution and/or organisation, particularly in instances where the assistance is provided towards the payment of tuition and compulsory fees associated with the programme of study

** Foreign payments may be sent directly to the Trinidad and Tobago overseas missions or wire transferred for disbursement to foreign universities or paid directly to the applicant.

FAQ On MOE Financial Assistance Studies Programme

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On MOE Financial Assistance Studies Programme

When can I apply for Financial Assistance?
Applications can only be submitted during the advertisement period.

How often is the programme advertised and where is it advertised.
The programme is advertised quarterly and is advertised on the Ministry’s website and social media pages.

Where can I get an application form?
Application forms are obtained through the Financial Assistance (Studies) Programme Secretariat located at the Ministry of Education, Education Towers, No. 5 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain or on our website. Applications are only accepted during the advertisement period.

Can I submit an application if I was accepted to the University?
No, the applicant must be enrolled in the programme of study which must be approved/recognised by either the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) or the National Training Agency (NTA).

What are post-secondary courses?
Post-secondary programmes are the level of studying beyond secondary education leading to the award of professional qualifications such as certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas and associate degrees.

Post-secondary programmes may be offered at vocational schools or academies, colleges, trade schools, seminaries, institutes of technology or universities.

Is there a limit to the duration of the course of study?
Yes, the programmes of study must be no less than nine (9) months in duration.

Does applying guarantee funding?
No, applying does not guarantee funding.

Would accessing financial assistance obligate the applicant to be employed with the Government on completion of studies? And if so, what is the stipulated period?
It is expected that after the completion of studies, students will undertake employment in the public or private sector for a period in accordance with the quantum awarded and the proposed repayment period.

How much funding can I receive with FASP?
The total value of financial assistance to applicants attending local institutions shall not exceed TT$50,000.00. The total value of financial assistance to applicants attending regional or international institutions shall not exceed US$10,000.00 or CDN $10,000.000 or £5,000.00.

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