File an Employer Schedule Service New Zealand : Inland Revenue Department

Organization : Inland Revenue Department
Facility : File an Employer Schedule (ir-File) Service
Country : New Zealand
Website :

IRD ir-File Service

This service offers a secure and accurate method of filing either employer monthly schedules (IR348) or computerised payroll systems over the Internet.

Related / Similar Service : IRD Tax Refund New Zealand

When to Use this Return

If you are an employer, a tax agent, a payroll bureau or a PAYE intermediary with an online services user ID and password, use this service to file employer monthly schedules electronically. Employers whose annual PAYE is $100,000 or more are required to use this service.

Filing Methods

There are two filing methods you can use.
** On-screen form. This is an on-screen version of the Employer monthly schedule (IR348) you send us. If you operate a manual wagebook, this option may suit you best.

** File transfer. If you use a computerised payroll system, or if you’re thinking of using one, file transfer is probably the best option for you. Your payroll software developer should have our ir-File specifications and will be able to help you upgrade your payroll software if necessary.

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Test a File

If you choose the file transfer method, you will also need the appropriate payroll software to be able to use ir-File. Your payroll software developer can tell you if your software is compatible with ir-File. To check that your payroll software is formatted for ir-File try out Test a file.

ir-File Demo

If you would like to see how the system looks and works, you can try out our interactive demonstration without sending any data to us.
If you are registering to use this service, you may be given other secure services at the same time :
** Look at Account Information
** Secure mail
** File a portfolio investment entity (PIE) return
** Client maintenance
** Manage account access.

What You Will Need

Access to ir-File requires a user ID and password. To get a user ID and password you need to register for an Online Services account. If you have not yet registered, please follow the register link on this page.

If you have registered, and have activated your account, please use the login link above.
You will also need :
** an employer IRD number
** your employer monthly schedule details for the relevant period
** an email address.

After You Finish

** You can check the schedule you have just entered or uploaded is correct by using the view function in the ir-File workspace. Here you can also check the details and make any changes before submitting it to us.
** When you have submitted the schedule a receipt will be sent to your workspace.

** If you want to amend the schedule you’ve sent us, you can do this by using the Undo send button from the ir-File workspace. This will retract the schedule you sent us. You can then make your changes and resend the schedule. The cut off time for retracting a schedule is 11:00 a.m. each day.

** If you want to amend the schedule after the cut off time, you can do this by calling us on 0800 377 772 or you can file an Employer monthly schedule amendment form (IR344). Please note that this form cannot be filed electronically.

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