Tax Refund New Zealand : Inland Revenue Department

Organization : Inland Revenue Department
Facility : Tax Refund
Country : New Zealand
Website :

IRD Tax Refund

To Refund your Tax amount please follow the below procedures,

Related / Similar Service : IRD IR56 Taxpayer Registration New Zealand

Who Could Get a Refund?

You could get a refund if you :
** were a beneficiary, salary or wage earner
** paid donations
** filed a tax return.

You’re most likely to get a refund if you :
** worked for part of the year
** received a lump sum payment (such as a bonus or redundancy)
** had more than one employer during the year
** have expenses to claim
** were entitled to the independent earner tax credit but didn’t claim all of it during the tax year. Most beneficiaries, salary and wage earners will have paid the right amount of tax and won’t be eligible for a refund.

How To Get A Refund

If you’re registered for myIR Secure Online Services :
Using your myIR account makes it easy to work out if you are due a refund. For tax years 2013 onwards, we have a new calculator “Work out my income tax filing options”.

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If you’re not required to file an IR3 return, we will use your salary/wage income we already hold and any additional information you provide to let you know whether you’re due a refund or have tax to pay. If it works out to be a refund, you can then request and confirm you’re personal tax summary through your myIR account.

If you’re not registered for myIR Secure Online Services :
Step 1 : Work out whether you are due a refund
Register for myIR today to use our personalised calculator. Or you can use our non-personalised online tools (under “Work it out”)
** Personal tax summary calculator or
** Personal tax worksheet.

Note :
To calculate your refund using the Personal tax summary calculator or Personal tax worksheet you’ll need to know your income details.
You can get these from :
** Look at Account Information (you’ll need to be registered for myIR to use this service),
** INFOexpress on 0800 257 778 by requesting a summary of earnings
** your end of year pay slip(s) from your employer(s).

Step 2 : Decide whether to request a personal tax summary (PTS)
If … then …
the result is a tax refund – request a PTS.
you have tax to pay – stop do nothing. This amount does not need to be assessed for payment.

Step 3 : Request a PTS
You can request a PTS online by using our Request a personal tax summary service under “Get it done online”.
Note :
** If you don’t check whether you will get a refund before you request a PTS you may end up with a tax bill that you will have to pay.
** If you’re due a refund and have other amounts owing

** If you have any amounts owing from previous years (that aren’t under an instalment arrangement), or child support arrears, your refund will be used to pay these first. Any remaining credit will be refunded to you.

Transferring Your Refund

You can choose to transfer your refund to another person’s income tax account, or you can transfer it to another tax type, such as your student loan.
You can request a transfer by :
** completing the slip at the bottom of the first page of your PTS (for transfers to another person’s income tax account), or
** calling us on 0800 227 774, or
** writing a note with the transfers you want, attaching it to your PTS and sending it back to us.

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