Register as an IR56 Taxpayer New Zealand : Inland Revenue Department

Organization : Inland Revenue Department
Facility : Register as an IR56 Taxpayer
Country : New Zealand
Website :

IRD Register as an IR56 Taxpayer

Use this service if you are an IR56 taxpayer and need to register with Inland Revenue. This is the same as completing the IR56 taxpayer registration (IR359) form. IR56 taxpayers deduct and pay their own PAYE.

Related / Similar Service : IRD PPL Application New Zealand

When to Use this Service

Use this service if you are an IR56 taxpayer who deducts and pays their own PAYE.
This will apply to :
** NZ-based representatives of overseas companies
** United States Antarctic program personnel
** Embassy staff
** Private domestic workers who work part-time, such as home helpers, attendant caregivers, nannies, gardeners and domestic odd-jobbers.
This service should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

What You Will Need

Your IRD number – if you don’t have your IRD number contact us by calling 0800 227 774.

After You Finish

Once we have received your registration we will send out an IR56 taxpayer’s handbook (IR356), PAYE deduction tables (IR341) and the paperwork you’ll need to get started. If you wish to keep a copy for your own records, please print the confirmation page.

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This service may require you to send confidential information to Inland Revenue so it is located on a secure part of our website to prevent unauthorised interception. If you are unable to access this service, your browser and/or firewall settings may need updating.

Inland Revenue takes online security very seriously. We have systems in place to protect the information you provide us, and regularly update our standards and technology to provide protection for your personal information.

You play an important role in protecting your information by taking basic precautions to protect your computer and data. You should keep your computer secure, only deal online with people and organisations you know and trust, and check that your personal information travels across the internet on secure connections.

There are many resources about computer security (such as websites, books and magazines) that can help guide you on what security precautions are appropriate for your situation.

Who are IR56 Taxpayers?

The term “IR56 taxpayer” is used to identify workers who are required to pay their own taxes on their wage or salary, ie, their own PAYE.
Listed below are the examples of workers who might be classed as IR56 taxpayers :
** embassy staff
** New Zealand-based representatives of overseas companies
** United States Antarctic Program workers
** private domestic workers who work part-time, such as homehelpers, caregivers, nannies, gardeners and domestic odd-jobbers.

Private domestic workers are people who :
** work in someone else’s home, and
** do work for their employer that is not related to the employer’s business, and
** are paid directly by their employer, and
** don’t regularly work full-time, eg, work no more than 30 hours a week on average for each employer.

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