Check Country Freedom Status New Zealand : Ministry for Primary Industries

Organization : Ministry for Primary Industries
Facility : Check Country freedom status
Country : New Zealand
Website :

MPI Check Country Freedom Status

MPI provides a searchable database to help exporters determine whether certain plant pest or disease organisms are present in New Zealand.

Related : MPI Paying Your Fine New Zealand :

What Is Country Freedom Status?

Exporters of plants or plant products often need to provide phytosanitary certificates to the destination country. These are issued by MPI and confirm that plant health has been checked.

Phytosanitary certificates sometimes need to include an ‘additional declaration’ to confirm the products are free from particular organisms.

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The Country freedom status database contains a list of the organisms that have had their presence or absence from New Zealand checked by MPI for an additional declaration. It is not a list of all organisms that are present or absent from New Zealand.

Using the Search Tool

If your destination market requires an additional declaration for a particular organism you can check its status by searching the database.
To search for a pest or disease organism :
** Enter the correct scientific name of the organism in the search box below (be sure to check the spelling).
** Click ‘Search’. Results will show the organism name, type and whether it is known to be in New Zealand.
** To get a complete list of all the organisms, leave the search field empty and click ‘Search’.

Using the results for an additional declaration :
** If the results show that the organism is ‘not known to occur in New Zealand’ you don’t need any further survey, inspection or testing for the additional declaration.

** If the results show that the organism is ‘known to occur in New Zealand’ a survey, inspection or test must be carried out for the additional declaration. Contact your independent verification agency (IVA) for advice.

** If the organism doesn’t appear in a search, this is not proof that the organism is absent. You can ask MPI to confirm the pest’s status in New Zealand. MPI provides this service on a cost-recovery basis. For further information, contact Plant Exports by emailing plantexports [AT]

Fees & Charges

You’ll be charged for services provided by MPI and other service providers when you’re exporting fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts, and plant products.

Service Charge type Total (including GST)
MPI Approved Organisation (MAO)
Application fee
(additional charges apply for review of system; refer to hourly rate)
Fixed charge $552.00
Amendment fee Fixed charge $71.87
Export Phytosanitary Certificate
Fee for non-food products
(applies to approved, replaced, and revoked certificates)
Fixed charge $28.48*
*From 1 August 2015, a discounted (10%) fee of $25.63 will apply until further notice.
Fee for food products
(applies to approved, replaced, and revoked certificates)
Fixed charge $44.03†
†From 1 August 2015, a discounted (10%) fee of $39.63 will apply until further notice.
Wet Signatures
Certificates and forms (up to 4) requiring wet signatures including courier. Fixed charge $51.11
Certificates and forms (up to 4) requiring wet signatures without courier. Fixed charge $40.88
Extra charge for five or more certificates requiring wet signature. Fixed charge
(per certificate)
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
GMO assurance Fixed charge $51.11
Property Handling Site Identification Number (PHSIN)
Number allocation fee Fixed charge $81.78 (new number)
$51.11 (renewal)
Application fee Fixed charge $51.11
Registration Fixed charge $2875.00
Certification Fixed charge $50.60
Extra charge for 2 or more certificates requiring wet signature Fixed charge
(per certificate)

Requesting MPI services

Where the phytosanitary requirements for a commodity are not provided in an Importing Countries Phytosanitary Requirements (ICPR), you can request help from MPI to determine the clearance conditions and other phytosanitary certification issues in the destination country. Please be aware that any services provided by MPI will be supplied on a cost-recovery basis.

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