Quezon City Philippines : Apply For DSWD Social Pension

Organisation : Quezon City
Facility Name : Apply For DSWD Social Pension
Country : Philippines
Website : https://quezoncity.gov.ph/qcitizen-guides/how-to-avail-of-the-social-pension-department-of-social-welfare-and-development/

How to Apply for Social Pension in Quezon City?

The Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens is in accordance with the existing laws in support of the continuous aim of the government to secure and protect the indigent senior citizens.

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The implementation of this program is in compliance with Section 5, Paragraph H, Number 1 of the Republic Act 9994 otherwise known as the Expanded Senior Citizens’ Act of 2010 where the indigent senior citizens of the city with illness/es, with disability, no source of income, do not have any pension from GSIS, SSS, or any insurance company, or those who do not have any regular support from their family/relatives to augment their needs for food and medicines will receive financial assistance from the government to augment their daily needs for food and medicines.

The program is on a case-to-case basis upon the approval by the Department of Social Welfare and Development and inclusion to the national list of social pensioners.

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** Photocopy of OSCA ID; and
** Duly-accomplished Social Pension Application Form available at the OSCA or to the different District Action Offices.

** Coordinate with the OSCA and SSDD for the enlistment.
** Senior Volunteers of SSDD and staffs of OSCA will conduct a surprise house-to-house visitation to the enlisted applicants for verification.
** If qualified, Senior Volunteers of SSDD and staffs of the OSCA will include the names of the indigent senior citizens to the waiting list to be submitted to the DSWD to which the agency will include new names of indigent senior citizens to be replaced for the social pensioners from the list that were not found to their declared residences or already passed away.
** The DSWD will be the one to determine the qualified indigent senior citizens to be included in this program through a validation by the DSWD staff before the release of the final list of beneficiaries of the Social Pension Program.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
** The social pension program is for indigent senior citizens of Quezon City who are frail, sickly, or with disability and without a pension or permanent source of income.
** The application process is free of charge.

Contact Information

Contact Person: Ms. Gloria Mariano / Mr. Matthew Alvarez (OSCA) Persons-in-Charge
Contact Number: (8) 703-9518 Office
Address: Gate 3, Quezon City Hall Complex, Kalayaan Avenue, Quezon City

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