Musicians Institute Online Enrollment For Fall 2014 Hollywood United States of America

Name of the Organisation : Musicians Institute
Type of Announcement : Online Enrollment For Fall 2014
Location : Hollywood, California
Country : United States of America

Website : http://www.mi.edu/

Online Enrollment For Fall :

Musicians Institute provides the official map for you to become the artist & music industry professional you want to be. Musicians Institute is right in the heart of Hollywood, a dynamic location that’s buzzing with culture & creativity around the clock.

Related : Musicians Institute New Fall Music Scholaships Hollywood USA : www.statusin.org/4356.html

At this College of Contemporary Music, you can learn all the skills you need—from performing in every genre and using cutting-edge technology, to handling all the business of building your own artistic brand.

Financial Aid and Scholarships Available :
School of Performance Studies :
4.Keyboard Technology

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School of Entertainment Studies :
1.Audio Engineering
2.Independent Artist
3.Music Business
4.Guitar Building

Programs feature :
1.Private lessons from industry professionals
2.Guest Artist Clinics and Concerts
3.24-hour access to state-of-the-art facilities
4.Ableton Live, Logic, ProTools & Reason software
5.Audition opportunities for renowned artists & companies

Enroll Now : http://mi.edu/

Call :1800.ALL.PLAY

Note :
While Musicians Institute provides no guarantee that employment will result from attending or completing any program offered by the institution, we are dedicated to assisting students in finding professional opportunities. For more information on our Career Development Office, visit www.mi.edu. Click here for our Privacy Policy.

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