MOH Blood Type Check Bahrain : Ministry of Health

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Health
Type of Facility : Check Blood Type
Country : Bahrain

Website : http://www.moh.gov.bh/EN

Check Blood Type :

To view your blood record in Salmaniya Medical Complex Blood Bank, enter your personal Number in the below box

Related : Ministry of Health Check Appointments Online Bahrain : www.statusin.org/4440.html

Check Here : http://www.moh.gov.bh/EN/E-Services/…heckBlood.aspx

Example :
To try this service, use 000000000 as a personal ID.

(or) :
Process :
** Click on the link given below.
** Enter Your CPR Number.
** Click “GO” button to view your blood record.

Check Here : http://oservices.bahrain.bh/pubporta…n&serviceid=55

Red Cell Compatibility Chart:
Patient Donor
0+ 0+, 0-
0- 0-
A+ A+, A-, 0+, 0-
A- A-, 0-
B+ B+, B-, 0+, 0-
AB+ All Types
AB- AB-, A-, B-, 0-

Blood Donation :
Donating blood is one of the kindest and most generous acts that one human being can do for another. Blood cannot be manufactured. It has to come from one human being to save the life of another. Because of volunteer blood donors, thousands of accident victims and those who need major surgery are alive today.

Read More : http://www.moh.gov.bh/EN/E-Services/…heckBlood.aspx

Related Post

Facts About Blood and Your Blood Donation :
** The average adult has 10 to 12 pints of blood in their body;
** Your one donation can save up to 3 lives;

** No valid substitute for blood – so when you need it, the only possible way to get it is from other human beings;
** Any day, these facts could mean the difference between life and death;

** You cannot get AIDS or any other disease by giving blood;
** You can give whole blood every 90 days, single platelets every 48 hours;

Care After Donating :
** Relax and enjoy the refreshments provided. You normally have 10 to 12 pints of blood in your body and have just donated about one. It will only take a few minutes before your body adjusts to the change.

The fluid volume will be replaced in a few days, but the red cells will take several weeks. Remember, we have not taken enough to hurt you.

** If you smoke, do not do so for at least 30 minutes. Doing so before then may make you lightheaded.
** Be careful of alcoholic beverages. If you do drink any, the effect will be intensified because of your donation.

** Drink plenty of non-alcoholic beverages. The more you drink, the faster the fluid volume of your blood will be replaced. We recommend 1/2 to 1 extra gallon in the next 24 hours.

** Do not remove the bandage over the site for at least 4 hours. This gives it time to heal. If you notice bleeding before then, please raise your arm up and apply a new bandage just as was done after your donation.

** Avoid strenuous activity for the rest of the day. Do not push, pull, or lift any objects greater than 25 pounds.

Categories: Bahrain
Tags: moh.gov.bh
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