Embassy of India, Qatar New Passport Application Procedure

Name of the Organization : Embassy of India, Qatar
Type of Facility : New Passport Application Procedure
Country : Qatar

Website : http://www.indianembassy.gov.qa/

How to obtain a new passport

** Please obtain an application form the embassy free of cost or submit a photocopy of the form. Fill all columns carefully and legibly; the application may be submitted to the counter at the embassy either in person or through a representative.

Related : Ministry of Interior Apply Online For New Passport Qatar : ww.statusin.org/4495.html

An application for a new passport can be made within 6 months of expiry of the old passport. For this “Application Form for an Indian Passport” along with your passport, copy of the passport, copy of Identity card and an affidavit should be submitted. Furnish 4 photographs (black & white or colour) size 35 mm x 45 mm frontal view of full face against a light background. Photos taken with coloured or dark glasses and in uniform are not acceptable. If the application is found to be in order and if no prior reference is required to be made to the original Passport Issuing Authority, the passport will be issued in the normal course.

** If you need the passport urgently you can avail of the Tatkal Scheme introduced by the Government of India. Under the scheme passports can be obtained out of turn from the embassy in the same day or the next day. An out of turn passport is normally issued only in cases of specified emergencies, on production of documentary evidence and an additional fee of QR. 312/-.

Download Form Here : http://www.indianembassy.gov.qa/forms.htm

Passport for minors :
It is compulsory to have a separate passport for a minor as the procedure of endorsing names of minor children in their parents’ passports has now been discontinued. This measure has been introduced in the wake of the practice, increasingly being followed by major foreign diplomatic missions, by granting visas to minor children only if they are in possession of separate passports. A minor in this case refers to a child who is less than 18 years of age and the passport for the minor child will be valid for five years from the date of issue or till 18 years of age, whichever is less. The five year validity period has been stipulated because the physical appearance of a child changes considerably over five years. Those children whose names have already been endorsed in their parents’ passports need to apply for new passports only when the validity of the parents’ passport expires or when they apply for additional booklets. The Birth Certificate of the child is required to be submitted along with the passports of both the parents. The fee for issue of a passport to a minor child in Qatar is QR. 95/-.

Emigration Check Not Required Stamp :
** As per Government of India rules and regulations following categories of persons are entitled to get the ECNR stamp on their passports :
** Gazetted Government Servants, Income-tax payees; Persons holding professional degrees; Persons staying abroad for more than 3 years; Spouses of the above mentioned categories; Persons holding 10+2 or higher degrees; Seamen in possession of Continuous Discharge Certificate and Deck Cadets if they have passed final examination of three year B.Sc. Nautical Sciences Courses at T.S. Chanakya, Mumbai, or if they have undergone three months Pre-Sea training at any of the Government approved Training Institutes after production of Identity Cards issued by the Shipping Master, Mumbai/Calcutta/Chennai; Persons holding two year diplomas from recognised institutions like Polytechnics or certificates of vocational training from Government recognised institutions, Nurses, Teachers possessing qualifications recognised under the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947; Dependent children of parents eligible for ECNR and All persons above the age of 50 years. All these categories of people can get the ECNR stamp affixed on their passports at the Embassy of India in Doha during office hours. All children who apply for separate passports will be granted endorsement of “Emigration Clearance Not Required (ECNR)”(Upto 18 years of age) provided accompanied by their parents.

Lost/Damaged Passport – How to apply for a duplicate:
** If you lose your passport, then please inform the nearest police station or the CEID and obtain a copy of the FIR. Also inform the embassy without delay. Passport is a valuable document and in case it gets misused, you can be held responsible, if you have not informed the police and the embassy. You may apply for a duplicate passport with application for lost passport, copy of the FIR, an affidavit, copy of lost passport and the fine for lost passport.
** If your passport gets damaged, you are entitled to get it replaced. Apply for a duplicate passport with an application for a damaged passport, original damaged passport and an affidavit.
** In case of damaged/ lost passports (except in case of habitual losers), provided your original passport was issued at the Indian Embassy in Doha, you should get passport in about one week. If you have applied for a duplicate passport in place of a passport which was originally issued at some other passport office, you should normally get your new passport within Six weeks. However, in case of emergency, the embassy can expedite the issue of passport under the Tatkal Scheme.
** A duplicate passport may not be issued for the second loss/damage of passport. Habitual losers of passports will be denied further passport facilities.

Options in terms of the size of the Passport booklet :
You can either apply for a ten year validity 36-paged normal passport booklet (Fees : QR. 185/-) or a 60-paged jumbo passport booklet (Fees: QR. 225/-). The validity of short term passport, except in case of minors, can be extended up to 10 years from the date of issue. For this “Application Forms for Extension of Validity”, should be submitted. This service will be rendered gratis.

Miscellaneous Services :

Change of Name :
** If you change your name, please get your passport booklet changed. For change of name or surname, consequent to marriage, you may submit the original marriage certificate duly attested in India, along with a photocopy and husband’s original passport. In case of divorce, a divorce deed authenticated by a court in India is required. In case of re-marriage, divorce deed or death certificate of spouse duly authenticated along with the original marriage certificate duly attested in India and husband’s original passport may be submitted.
** In all other cases of change of name and or surname in the passport the change has first to be advertised in a daily newspaper, both in Qatar and in India at the area of your residence. Original newspaper clippings are required to be submitted along with the application. An affidavit, duly notarized, is also required. Service is provided after a waiting period of 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the newspaper.

Change of Address and Date of Birth :
If you already have a passport and want to change the address recorded in it, apply for the same on Miscellaneous Services application form with the proof of new address. Applications for change in date of birth may be submitted with supporting documents like Birth Certificate, Educational Certificate etc.,

Incomplete / False Information :
** It is important to furnish full, accurate and truthful information in the form. Application forms should be filled in fully, legibly (in capital letters) and accurately and submitted with the passport. Misrepresentation of the facts may result in denial of passport/consular service. Applications received with incomplete details will remain unprocessed.
** It is an offense under the Passports Act 1967 to give false information in the Application. Passport facilities can be denied on grounds of suppression of factual information, submission of false particulars, willful damage of passport and for making unauthorized changes in the passports. Your passport can be impounded or revoked by the Government of India under the provisions of the Passports Act 1967 in which event you will have to surrender the passport to the nearest Indian Passport authority.

For More Details : http://www.indianembassy.gov.qa/visa.htm

Some important information on Passport and Miscellaneous Services :
The Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, is responsible for issuance of Indian Passport to the Indian Citizens. This document is issued from 28 locations across the country and 160 Indian missions abroad. Your passport is a valuable document. It should always be either in your own custody or in the custody of a person duly authorized by you. If lost or destroyed, the fact and circumstances should be immediately reported to the nearest Indian Mission and to the local police.

In Qatar applications for passports/consular services such as issue of duplicate passports, renewals and miscellaneous services on passports, legalization/attestation of documents etc. are accepted at the Consular Section of the embassy between 08 :00 AM and 11:30 AM from Sunday through Thursday. No application is received after 11:30 AM except in the cases of emergencies, such as death or illness in the family. The passports and other documents, irrespective of date or time of submission, are delivered only between 03:00 PM to 03:45 PM on working days. Miscellaneous services are normally attended to across the counter. Fresh and renewed passports are normally delivered on the third working day after the day the application is received in the Embassy. This, however, depends on the workload of the Consular Section. This time schedule does not apply to services where prior approval is required from the authorities in India. The date on which the passport can be collected from the Embassy will be indicated when the application is submitted. Here are some useful information on passport and other consular services available at the Indian Embassy in Doha.

Embassy of India,
Al Hilal Area, Post Box No. 2788,
Doha (State of Qatar)

Tel No: +974-467 2021 / 467 2067 / 467 2716 (After Office Hours)
Fax No: +974-467 0448
Telex: 4646 INDEMB DH

Email : indembdh@qatar.net.qa

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