Check Medical Appointment Qatar : Hamad Medical Corporation

Name of the Organization : Hamad Medical Corporation
Type of Facility : Check Medical Appointment
Country : Qatar

Website :

Check Medical Appointment :

Hamad Medical Corporation allows members of the public to view information on any appointments that are previously booked.

Related : HMC Qatar Renew Health Card

Application Process :
** Log on the website, and enter your Patient ID or HMC Number in the fields.
** Confirm your selection by selecting the button next to the input field.
** Enter your ID number, then view the result.

Check Online :

Note :
It is only possible to use the service with all the relevant identification numbers, including the ID.

Additional Information :
The check medical appointment service is accessible to everyone, free of charge.

FAQs :
1. How do I register and log into ABHATH?
Select ABHATH – online submission tab and click the link provided to login to the system. The link will redirect you to Sign in/Sign up page of ABHATH. if you are new to the system please fill your basic information and create a profile to proceed further.

Related Post

2. How do I check status of my submission?
Once the profile has been created in ABHATH you are a part of the system. When you are initiating a research application submission you will be notified the progress of the submission at each stage.

You might receive email notifications at each stage of the submission, but we recommend everyone to log on to the system frequently to track your researches

3. Where should I submit my proposal?
MRC only receiving online submissions for new research studies. Please follow the tab ABHATH-Online Submission under the main menu item ‘Submit your Research’. Quick link also available outside the menu for easy access. Apart from this, HMC can use intranet links to access ABHATH hosted in intranet.

4. What should I do if I notice an error in a proposal I just submitted through ABHATH?
We request the user to create a support ticket in ABAHTH to raise the issue at the earliest. Also, user can inform MRC by contacting via email – AbhathSupport [AT] and other contact information is available within the system.

5. Where can I download the templates of Protocol and consent forms?
All documents needed to upload during research submissions are available in MRC website as well as the ‘Download Center ‘of ABHATH.

6. Does a Person outside HMC can be a part of research study?
ABHATH application is not limited to HMC researchers, it’s a web based application and all the researchers those who intend to conduct a research in HMC can use ABHATH system for submission.

Any personnel wish to participate in a research inside or outside HMC need to create a profile in ABHATH to become a part of the system.

7. How do I register my organization?
If your organization is not listed in the affiliated institutions, you are recommended to contact MRC by raising a support ticket in ABHATH.

8. Who will review my research project?
Once the submission is completed, application must go through multiple levels of review or scrutiny before approval in MRC. Please refer the approval process of MRC for more information.

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