molsa.gov.qa Submit Labor Recruitment Application Qatar : Ministry of Social Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Type of Facility : Submit Labor Recruitment Application
Country : Qatar

Website : http://www.molsa.gov.qa/

MOLSA Submit Labor Recruitment Application

Business owners who wish to recruit workers from abroad are required to submit a request to the Ministry of Labor for approval.

Related : Ministry of Social Affairs Qatar Check Labor Recruitment Application Status Online : www.statusin.org/4511.html

Related Post

This procedure is not required for the hiring of residents or Qatari nationals.

Application Process

Follow these steps to submit your labor recruitment application online :
** Load the online application.
** Fill in all required fields, including your company’s Electricity Number, Commercial Permit and Commercial Registration.
** Supply details about the workers you wish to recruit.
** Print application receipt.

Additional Information

Applicants may also submit the request in paper form through MOL’s Employment Administration. Processing time is about one week.

Contact :
If you have any questions, please call +974 44069999.

Categories: Qatar
Tags: molsa.gov.qa

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