molsa.gov.qa Check Labor Recruitment Application Status Online Qatar : Ministry of Social Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Type of Facility : View Labor Recruitment Application Status
Country : Qatar

Website : http://www.molsa.gov.qa/

How To Check MOLSA Labor Recruitment Application Status?

Business owners who have requested hiring employees from abroad may check the statuses of their applications online.

Related : MOLSA Submit Labor Recruitment Application Qatar : www.statusin.org/4510.html

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Follow these steps to check your status of your labor recruitment application :
** Visit MOLSA Website
** Load the online application.
** Enter your application number and year of application to make a search.

** If the application is active, you will see details on the following page. Displayed details include application ID, application date, your company’s Establishment ID, the number of workers requested, and the status of your application.

** If the application is approved, you can print the details of the request for each profession, grouped by VP numbers returned from the Ministry of Labor with barcode representation.

Contact Address

If you have any questions, please call +974 44069999.

Categories: Qatar
Tags: molsa.gov.qa

View Comments (1)

  • I need your help to stay in Qatar. I submitted all requirements document for change. I got sms its says Rejected. But I want to know why its rejected and what is the reason? I am here in Qatar for 15 years. I like Qatar and I am a cancer patient under treatment by NCCR Qarar hospital. If I go to my country I will be die with out medicine. Please help me to stay in Qatar and alive me.

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