grsia.gov.qa Past Employment Service Records Qatar : General Retirement & Social Insurance Authority

Name of the Organization : General Retirement and Social Insurance Authority
Type of Facility : Past Employment Service Records
Country : Qatar

Website : https://www.grsia.gov.qa/ar/Pages/home.aspx

Past Employment Service Records :

The past employment service query service allows pension subscribers (Qatari employees and workers) to look up their past service records in an online statement.

Related : GRSIA Purchased Assumed Employment Service Records Qatar : www.statusin.org/4519.html

Based on the service number, the statement will display the following information :
** Contributor’s name, date of birth and gender
** Work department details
** Ministry name and organization ID
** Service number
** Salary and social allowance details
** Leave date and join date
** Type of service period
** Previous employer
** Reference number
** Salary and pension contribution details

Application Process :
Follow these steps to look up past service records :
** Load the online application.
** Select service number.
** Click on “Search” to see result.

Query Online : https://hukoomi.gov.qa/en/

Note :
An option to print the statement or export it as an Excel spreadsheet is available.

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Additional Information :
** The pension subscriber reserves the right to request for having all past service periods calculated together, provided that he/she pays all due amounts on the basis of his/her salary on the date of application submission. It is permissible to combine and pay for assessed contributions from past periods at once or through monthly installments over five years at QR21 per QR1,000 earned.
** If the information of the employee (Qatari employee or worker) displayed in the electronic records does not correspond with the real data, please notify the employer in order to have it updated.

FAQs :
How to deal with the pensioner who returns to work after his pension payment? Is the payment continued or suspended?
The Law deals with the pensioner who returns to work after his pension payment as the following :
If a pensioner is re-appointed or returned to work at an entity that is subjected to the provisions of the Law, the pension payment is suspended during his work regarding the following

** If his salary is equal or more than the pension, the pension is suspended.
** If his salary is less than the pension, the GRSIA shall pay the difference.

Example :
** A pensioner has a pension of (6000) Qatari Riyals, returns to work to a subject employer with a salary of (4000) Qatari Riyals. In this case the GRSIA pay (2000)Qatari Riyals.

Is it permissible for the pensioner who returns to work in an entity that is subjected to the Law to contribute in the Fund?
Yes, he chooses to contribute for the new service period. In both cases the pension is suspended.

If the service ends due to death, incapacity, job cancellation, or non- disciplinary separation, how is the pension settled?
In cases of death and incapacity, the pension is settled according to the actual service period, whatever the period is. In cases of job cancellation or non- disciplinary separation, the provisions in the previous answer are applied without including any notional service period.

If the new service period of a pensioner ends of less than (8) years, how to deal with him? Is it permissible to purchase a service period to complete the (8) years?
If the new service period ends, the pensioner has the right of the following :
** The pension that was totally or partly suspended due to work, is paid.
** The new service contributions of (5%) are reverted.
** No period can be purchased to complete the actual service period that is less than (8) years.

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