grsia.gov.qa Purchased Assumed Employment Service Records Qatar : General Retirement & Social Insurance Authority

Name of the Organization : General Retirement and Social Insurance Authority
Type of Facility : Purchased Assumed Employment Service Records
Country : Qatar

Website : https://www.grsia.gov.qa/ar/Pages/home.aspx

Purchased Assumed Employment Service Records :

The purchased assumed employment service query service allows pension subscribers (Qatari employees and workers) to look up information about the assumed service they have purchased.

Related : GRSIA Past Employment Service Records Qatar : www.statusin.org/4518.html

Based on the service number, the statement will display the following information :
** Contributor’s name, date of birth and gender
** Work department details
** Ministry name and organization ID
** Service number
** Salary and social allowance details
** Purchased service details
** Request status
** Reference number
** Pay date and amount

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Application Process :
Follow these steps to look up past service records :
** Load the online application.
** Select service number.
** Click on “Search” to see result.

Query Online : https://hukoomi.gov.qa/en/

Note :
An option to print the statement or export it as an Excel spreadsheet is available.

Additional Information :
The pension subscriber reserves the right to purchase assumed service to be added to the overall service period, provided he/she complies with the following conditions :
** Be at least 50 years of age at the date of submission if the subscriber is a male; 45 years of age if the subscriber is .
** Accumulated at least 10 years of actual service.
** Assumed service contributions due are 15% of salary, following the regulations of the pension and retirement law.

Note :
If the information of the employee (Qatari employee or worker) displayed in the electronic records does not correspond with the real data, please notify the employer in order to have it updated.

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