moi.gov.qa View Residence & Submitted Exit Permit Applications Online Qatar : Ministry of Interior

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Interior
Type of Facility : View Residence & Submitted Exit Permit Applications
Country : Qatar
Website : http://www.moi.gov.qa/

View Residence Permit Applications

Sponsors may view the progress of individual Residence Permit applications through Hukoomi. Issuing permits may take the Ministry of Interior up to six weeks.

Related / Similar Service :
MOI Exit Permit Online Qatar

This online application allows sponsors to view the information given in the application, and find out if required elements are missing.

Those requirements include :
** Documents
** Personal information
** Photograph
** Payment

Note :
Log in to see the status of pending Residence Permit applications.

View Submitted Exit Permit Applications

Residents are required to carry an exit permit when leaving the country. Sponsors are responsible for applying for the exit permit. Applicants may view their previously submitted exit permit applications online. Simply log in to view a list of submissions.

Note :
Log in to see a list of your previously exit permit submissions.

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How accurate is the information?
All information published on Hukoomi is compiled from government agencies and service providers in Qatar. The portal is updated on a continuous basis to reflect changes occurring in the country as well as respond to the public’s needs.

How do I use Topics?
Articles listed under the Topics section provide general and introductory information about government services, initiatives and policies. For example, a page called Tax System outlines the basic taxation regime in the country and lists some of the conditions under which businesses are eligible for tax exemption.

Within each topic, there is a box on the right-hand side with links to related services. This is meant to help steer users to the right services.

What if I need more information?
One of the primary functions of Hukoomi is to connect people with government. The topics are meant to provide basic and introductory information about government policies and services, as well as the agencies that manage and provide them.

Those who wish to obtain more in-depth information are encouraged to contact the ministries and agencies themselves. The good news is – all the contact information is already available on Hukoomi!

Are all the services free?
Many services are free, but not all. Some services, such as the exit permit, require a processing fee, which can be paid online. Further information is available on each service page.

User registration is free, as are all information, instructions and downloadable documents available on Hukoomi.

How do I find the right service?
If you know exactly what you are looking for, go ahead and type the name of the service in the Search bar, which is always located on the top right corner.

If you only have a vague idea, you can go to the Services section, and browse by category on the left menu. You can also click to see the entire list of services, then filter the results with a specific agency or audience group.

Tags: moi.gov.qa
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