Pay Utility Bill Online Qatar : General Electricity & Water Corporation (KAHRAMAA)

Name of the Organization : Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (KAHRAMAA)
Type of Facility : Pay Utility Bill
Country : Qatar

Website :

Pay Utility Bill :

There are several convenient ways to pay your electricity and water bills :
** Online
** Bank

Related / Similar Service : How To Check Kahramaa Bill Without QID

** Telephone
** Qtel Self-service Machines
** KAHRAMAA I-phone Application

Online :
Online payments can be made either through Hukoomi or KAHRAMAA.

Pay Online :

Bank :
Payments can be made through all major banks, using credit card, cash or check.

Telephone :
To pay through visa phone, call 991.

You can pay through QNB ATM .

Qtel Self-service Machines :
You can pay through Qtel and QNB self-service machines

Related Post

KAHRAMAA I-phone Application :
You can pay bills by using KAHRAMAA I-phone Application

Additional Information :
To register an online account for bill payments, you must verify your ID with Hukoomi or KAHRAMAA.

FAQs :
If I am a Bulk Customer, How can I approach Kahramaa?
Through KAHRAMAA website under “Customers/Service Application and Forms” download the “Bulk Application Form” as per the nature of the project (Industrial or Non Industrial), fill the Form in complete and submit along with attachments to Bulk Customer Section at Customer Services Dept. D-Ring Road, Hilal​

What happens to my job application after I successfully submit it?
The job application will go to the concerned Department, the application will be processed accordingly and you will be notified by your registered contacts.

How can I register in SMS service?
You can register through KM Website as follow :
1. Click on “SMS Service”
2. Add your QID No and your customer No
3. Enter your mobile No
4. Click Submit
You will receive a monthly notification once the bill is issued and submitted to Post Office

What rules do I have to follow while filling in the online Application?
** Required fields must be filled in (required fields are either in red or marked with an asterisk *).
** Enter only numeric values in numeric fields (e.g. P.O.Box)
** Enter only characters in some fields such as NAME.

How can I report a violation of electricity or water waste?
Tips to reduce the Water Bills :
** Don’t let your children play with taps and hoses
** Don’t let the water run when you brush your teeth or when washing your hands and face because most of it will be wasted.

** Instead of washing dishes under a running tap, just fill the kitchen sink
** Check all your pipes for leaks. Even a small leak wastes large quantities of water. Have it fixed.

** Don’t use a hose to wash the car. A bucket of water is quite adequate.
** Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, and then reuse it for irrigation.

** Don’t use toilet as ashtray or waste basket. Every time to flush a cigarette butt, facial tissue or other small items five to seven gallons of water is wasted.
** Automatic dishwashers and clothes washers should be fully loaded for optimum water conservation​

Categories: Qatar

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