vodafone.qa : World of Prizes 3 Competition 2014 Qatar

Name of the Organisation : Vodafone
Name of the Competition : World of Prizes 3 Competition 2014
Country : Qatar
Deadline : 11th of October 2014

Website : https://www.vodafone.qa/en/home/

World of Prizes 3 Competition 2014 :

** Answer questions via SMS, get points & enter a daily draw for amazing prizes
** Answer general knowledge questions via SMS and you will receive points that automatically enter you in a daily draw on a Samsung Galaxy S5 phone.

Related :

Vodafone Qatar Score & Win Contest 2015 : www.statusin.org/8342.html

** Every week, the contestants stand a chance to win 50,000 Qatari Ryals.. The customer with the highest number of accumulated points wins the weekly prize.
** At the end of the competition on 11th of October 2014, all participating customers who have any number of points are automatically entered into the grand prize draw for the chance to win 100,000 Qatari Ryals.

** World of Prizes 3 Competition 2014 is closed. The winners will be informed by a phone call. Their names will be announced on the website and they might also be included in the promotional activities.

How to Participate :

You can participate in the contest by texting the word “WORLD” to short code number 97774. The Cost for each SMS is QR5.

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Competition Language :
The competition is available in three languages- Arabic, English, and Urdu.

Time frame of the Promotional Contest :
The Promotional Contest will run for eighty four (64) days starting from 10 August 2014 until 11 October 2014) (“Validity”). Organiser at its sole discretion may extend the time frame of this Promotional Contest.

Participants of the Promotional Contest :

The following are eligible to participate :
** Natural persons (other than people employed by the Organiser for the period of the Promotional Contest, and also their close relatives and spouses), who are Organiser’s customers during the period of the Promotional Contest. If the winner is a minor (i.e. under the age of 18 years) , then on the date of delivering the prize, the winner’s guardian must appear in person to collect the prize along with his/her ID as well as a certification proving that he/she is the guardian.
** The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any participant if there are reasonable grounds to believe the participant has breached any provision of this Terms and Conditions.
** By participating in the Promotional Contest, you hereby warrant that all information submitted by you is true, current and complete.

Rules of participation :

** You can purchase Mobile Content by sending a SMS to the Short Code “97774” which will automatically allow you to participate in the Promotional Contest.
** You will be charged Five (5) Qatari Riyals to purchase Mobile Content.
** On obtaining the Mobile Content you will be automatically included in the draws under this Promotional Contest and be eligible for the prizes based on your points.
** By sending the first SMS to “97774” (QR 5/SMS) you will be registered and awarded 50 points for registration and receives 1 Mobile Content.
** By sending the second SMS and more SMS going forward to “97774” (QR 5/SMS) you will continue to gather more points and receive 1 Mobile Content for each SMS sent to 97774 (QR 5/SMS).
** You can redeem your Mobile Content purchased by sending the keyword “CONTENT” for free to short code 97773 to receive wallpapers however data charges will apply to download the content. There will be extra data charges when you will download the Mobile Content.
** Once you start participating in the Promotional Contest you will receive a welcome message containing promotional details.
** You will need to answer the questions by sending your response as a number example : 1 or 2 to “97774” to receive the points.
** All the messages sent from the Organiser are free of charge for the Participants. Other than QR 5, charged for each Mobile Content when sent to “97774” as the trade value of one (1) Mobile Content, no other direct or indirect costs shall be imposed on you.
** For each correct answer you will receive points, which are added till you continue to participate in the Promotional Contest. Wrong answers give fewer points than correct answers.

The points for each correct answer to the question will be added in two modes:
Basic Mode :
In basic mode, you receive 50 points for each correct answer and 10 points for the wrong or invalid answer.

Bonus Phases :
According to your performance and days of participation there will be bonus phases where you will receive more points in addition to the Basic Mode. Organiser will send you a SMS which this phase will be active and these phases can last from half an hour to one whole day and will be equally accessible to all eligible participants.

Terms & Conditions : vodafone.qa/en/home/late…ld-of-prizes-2

Categories: Qatar
Tags: vodafone.qa

View Comments (7)

  • MESSAGE! you have left behind 98% of players & you have high chances to win the cash! Everyday I answered questions always telling me this messages!

  • World of prize competition
    I have 6.6 millions point up to April 2014 for winning competition sms points but I didn't get any small prize from vodafone this time up to today.
    I have 366000 points I achieved by sms
    So please let me know I will get any prize from this competition?

    • The daily winner is determined each day by Draw. The record shall consist of entry sets corresponding to the total points earned by each Participant until that day (23:59:59)

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