moi.gov.qa Return Permit (Exceeded Stay Abroad) Qatar : Ministry of Interior

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Interior
Type of Facility : Return Permit (Exceeded Stay Abroad)
Country : Qatar
Website : http://www.moi.gov.qa/

Return Permit (Exceeded Stay Abroad)

Sponsored individuals with valid residence permits who have exceeded their stay of six months outside Qatar may re-enter the country after obtaining a return permit.

Related / Similar Service :
MOI Check Residence Permit Application Status Online Qatar

The visa may be issued under special request from the sponsor and approval from the authorities.

Application Process :
Follow these steps to apply for a return permit :
** Fill out the online application form.
** Supply sponsor request and required documents (see below).
** Pay appropriate fees

Required Documents :
Required documents differ depending on the case and applicant.

The three scenarios and their respective requirements are :
** Personal sponsorship (maids, drivers, etc.) : A copy of the applicant’s passport and sponsor’s passport or ID.
** Family sponsorship (family members of residents) : A copy of the applicant’s passport and sponsor’s passport or ID.
** Company sponsorship : A copy of the applicant’s passport and the company’s Establishment ID.

Apply Online : https://hukoomi.gov.qa/en/

Additional Information :
A fee of QR500 applies for each permit. Another QR500 applies for each registered dependent or companion.

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FAQs :
How do I know when to apply online or in person?
While the answer depends on what you prefer, the general trend is that more and more government services are going online. Just a few years ago, many of these e-services were not even possible!

E-Services are fast, secure and they save you from much of the paperwork and queuing in government offices.

Despite all these advantages, not all services can be completed electronically. Details on application procedures are listed on each service page in simple, step-by-step point form.

How do I use Services?
The Services section enlists hundreds of government services. Some of these pages provide only instructions, while others contain links to downloadable documents, services hosted on external links, and e-services.

E-services hosted by Hukoomi allow users to complete their transactions from start to finish electronically. Examples of e-services include the various visa and Driving License applications.

Within each service, there are two boxes on the bottom of the page – one with links to related services, and the other with contact information of the service provider. This is meant to help steer users to the right services and agencies.

How long do applications take?
Wait times have improved in recent years as government agencies adopt new technology to process their applications. Many agencies now offer SMS and mobile notifications to alert you of when an application is completed.

Some services take even less time than that – in just minutes! Exit permits and many visit visas, for example, can be issued instantly through Hukoomi.

What are the usual required documents?
Required documents differ from service to service. In general, though, an applicant is required to produce his/her ID Card. It’s always a good idea to read through a service page thoroughly before starting an application.

Tags: moi.gov.qa
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