Payment of Pension after Pensioner’s Death Oman : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund

Name of the Organization : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund
Type of Facility : Payment of Pension after Pensioner’s Death
Country : Oman

Official Website :…7/Default.aspx

Payment of Pension after Pensioner’s Death :

The pension entitlements shall be paid on time to the entitled heirs in accordance with the Law of Pension and End of Service Gratuity for Civil Service Omani employees.

Related : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund Collect Contributions Oman :

Who can request this service :
Heirs entitled to pension

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Steps to follow to request the service :
A-Process steps :
** Death of a pensioner shall be reported by an heir/ applicant.
** The applicant will be given a list of required documents for processing the payment. The list can be extracted from the Fund’s Website.
** The applicant shall complete the required documents and authenticate them from the concerned parties.
** The authenticated documents shall be submitted to the Customers’ Service Centre.
** A receipt will be given to applicant.
** The application will be reviewed and processed, and the pension will be transferred to the heirs’ bank account on monthly basis (when the entitlement conditions are met).

B-List all forms/applications that need to be completed to apply for the service :
** Heirs’ Form
** Agent’s data form and Agent’s undertaking

What documents are needed to process :
** Death certificate.
** Legal Notification issued by a court of first instance determines the heirs, if any,
** A bank account in the name of the heirs as follows : Heirs of the deceased/ (name of deceased) Agent/ (name of agent).
** A copy of the agent’s ID card.
** A copy of widow’s passport.
** Copies of certificates of birth for children, and copies of passports and ID cards.

Special conditions if any applicable :
The heirs’ agent or his representative shall attend in person

How long will it take :
Maximum One month after receiving the application © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map