Check Pension Eligibility & Conditions Oman : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund

Name of the Organization : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund
Type of Facility : Check Pension Eligibility & Conditions
Country : Oman

Official Website :…7/Default.aspx

Check Pension Eligibility & Conditions :

Periodic follow up is made to ensure appropriateness of the pension eligibility (retired/ eligible) in accordance with the Law of Post Service Pensions and Gratuities of Omani Employees.

Related : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund Apply For Pensioner Card Oman :

The renewal date for the deceased pensioners shall be in the same month of passing away. For non Omani pensioners, renewal shall be at the end of the year.

Who can request this service :
Pensioners (non Omanis)/ Heirs

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Steps to follow to request the service :
A-Process steps :
** An Annual Renewal Form can be extracted from the Fund website and filled in electronically, or it can be obtained from Wally offices, the Fund Main Office, or the Departments at the Willayats.
** The heirs’ agent/ the eligible shall fill in the form, sign it by the Sheikh, and approve it by the Wally Office, and then he/ she shall submit it to the Main Office, or the Wally office/ Fund Departments.

B-List all forms/applications that need to be completed to apply for the service :
** A copy of the ID card of the Heirs’ Agent
** Copies of the ID cards or passports of the eligible
** The proxy shall be renewed if expired.

What documents are needed to process :
All documents for the eligible showing any change of status (social/ employment/ medical) such as:
** Death certificate of an eligible
** Studying certificate
** Marriage certificate of an eligible
** Decision of employment of any eligible
** A copy of a passport/ ID card
** A birth certificate of an eligible
** Proxy Legitimacy
** A widowhood certificate
** A divorce certificate
** Heirs account
** A form of the agent’s data
** Agent’s pledge from
** A letter from the sheikh and approved by the Wally stating that the eligible does not have any other pension from another party.
** Social Insurance Pension Card (if any)

Special conditions if any applicable :
All data must be complete .

How the service is processed :
The legal agent or his representative will be given a receipt stating time and date of application, and the name of the employee who received the file

How long will it take :
The documents shall be submitted in the same month when the pensioner died © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map