ehcoman.com Submit Electricity Services Complaint Online Oman : Electricity Holding Co.SAOC

Name of the Organization : Electricity Holding Co.SAOC
Type of Facility : Submit Electricity Services Complaint Online
Country : Oman

Official Website : http://www.ehcoman.com/

Complain About Electricity Services :

This service is for customer who wishes to complain about any Electricity-related services.

Related : Electricity Holding SAOC Disconnect/Reconnect Electricity Service Connection Oman : www.statusin.org/4715.html

Who can request this service :
Citizens and residents & Business

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Steps to follow to request the service :
a) Process steps :
The Customer fills the Customer Complaint form and returns it to the Customer Service Department in the area or submit online

Two possible cases that can be exist :
** If the Complaint has been resolved but the Customer not satisfied, the Customer can send a letter to the Customer Service Manager in Muscat
** If the Complain has not been resolved as yet, then the Customer Services deputy in the concerned area would send a letter to the Customer Services Manager in Muscat

b)List all forms/applications that need to be completed to apply for the service :
Customer Complain Form

How the service is processed :
Customer Service officer will contact applicant through phone call or email.

Submit Here : https://oss.nama.om/Login/tabid/109/language/en-GB/Default.aspx?returnurl=%2F

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