Request For Secondment Oman : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund

Name of the Organization : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund
Type of Facility : Request For Secondment
Country : Oman

Official Website :

Request For Secondment :

Secondment is the temporary transfer of an employee subject to the Law of Post Service Pensions and Gratuities of Omani Employees from his normal duty to another assignment at another government entity, or a company where the government has at least 25% of the capital, or to the Arabic or foreign governments, authority, or organization.

Related : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund Collect Contributions Oman :

Based on the Law of Post Service Pensions and Gratuities of Omani Employees, the seconded employee shall pay the monthly 21.4% contributions (6% his/ her share and 15.4% the government share) which will be calculated upon the basic salary, and in return that secondment will be counted a service time.

As an exception, the seconded employee to a regional or international organization or the like shall pay his/ her monthly contribution of 6% to be calculated upon the basic salary. In return, the secondment period will be counted a service term. The employees of the Ministry of Education seconded to Qatar have been exempted and they shall pay their 6% monthly contribution, and in return the term will be considered a service time.

Who can request this service :
Omani employees subject to the Law of Post Service Pensions and Gratuities of Omani Employees

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Steps to follow to request the service :
A-Process steps :
** The employer shall fill in the application form of secondment and give it to the applicant.
** The applicant shall approach the Civil Service Employees Pension Fund (Contribution Department) to settle the due contributions for the secondment.
** Agreeing with the employee on the settlement of contributions, the Fund shall complete its part of the Application Form and deliver to the employee who shall return it to the employer for final actions.

B-List all forms/applications that need to be completed to apply for the service :
Secondment Application Form approved by the employer

What documents are needed to process :
Secondment Application Form approved by the employer

Special conditions if any applicable :
** The parties shall consider The Civil Service Law and its Executive By-Law.
** The Regulations related to employees affairs for the independent public organizations and authorities
** The regulations and laws of employees’ affairs for Omanis working for civil employers in the GCC countries.

How the service is processed :
Immediate action

How long will it take :
The application shall be submitted before the Secondment © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map