Collect Contributions Oman : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund

Name of the Organization : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund
Type of Facility : Collect Contributions
Country : Oman

Official Website :

Collect Contributions :

Contributions are the main source for financing the pension system applied in the Civil Service Employees Pension Fund. The system specifies the Contributions and benefits and covers old age, disability and death risks.

Related : Civil Service Employees Pension Fund Computing Shares For Eligible Heirs Oman :

Article 14 of the Law of Post Service Pensions and Gratuities of Omani Employees issued by Royal Decree 26/ 86 the share percentages as follows :
** 6% employee share
** 15.4% government share

Who can request this service :
Omani employees subjected to Law of Post Service Pensions and Gratuities of Omani Employees

Steps to follow to request the service
First : The parties which apply the civil service law and its executive by-law
The employer shall compute the outstanding Contributions and issue a Contribution payment order to the Ministry of Finance.
The MOF transfers the Contributions and notifies the Fund.

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Second : The Independent Public Authorities and Organizations (IPAO)
The IPAO compute the outstanding Contributions and issue a bank remittance order or a check to the Fund to be delivered to the Contributions Department.
The Contribution Department communicates directly or by correspondence to ensure collecting Contributions.

Third : Parties at GCC states where Omanis are employed
The employer shall compute the outstanding Contributions and deposit the Contribution payment to the Fund bank account in that country.
The Contribution Department communicates directly or by correspondence to ensure collecting Contributions

What documents are needed to process :
An official letter attached with a payment bill, and the details of the subscribed employees.

Special conditions if any applicable :
Contributions shall be paid before the end of the month

How the service is processed :
The employer will be contacted only in case of any remark.

How long will it take :
Payment shall be made before the end of the month © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map