migration.gv.at : Apply For Red-White-Red Card Austria

Name of the Website : Federal Government’s Official Information (Migration to Austria)
Type of Facility : Apply For Red-White-Red Card
Country : Austria

Official Website : http://www.migration.gv.at/en/

Apply For Red-White-Red Card :

Red-White-Red Card :
The Red-White-Red Card is issued in the shape of a bank card and is a combination of residence permit and employment permit.

Related : Migration Austria Apply For Red-White-Red Card Plus : www.statusin.org/4723.html

It is valid for one year and entitles its holder to settlement and to employment with a certain employer. If the employer is changed within the first year, a new Red-White-Red Card must be applied for.

Who may apply for a Red-White-Red Card :
The Red-White-Red Card is a combination of residence permit and employment permit for qualified third-country citizen workers.

It is available for the following groups of applicants :
1. Very highly qualified workers
2. Skilled workers in shortage occupations
3. Other key workers
4. Graduates of universities and colleges of higher education in Austria

Fees :
The fee is €100 (€80 for application, €20 for grant).

Where can I file the application :
1, Visas for the purpose of job search have to be applied for personally at the competent Austrian representation (embassy, consulate) for the applicant’s country of residence.

2.The application for the Red-White-Red Card can either be filed personally with the Austrian representation (embassy or consulate) for the applicant’s country of residence; in the case of skilled workers in shortage occupations and other keyworkers, the application can also be filed by the potential employer with the competent residence authority in Austria, which can be the Provincial Governor (Landeshauptmann), the authorised Regional Administrative Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) or the Local Administrative Authority (Magistrat). Together with the application for a Red-White-Red Card, a declaration by the intended employer (Arbeitgebererklärung) must be submitted.

3.Applicants permitted to enter Austria under a visa-free regime and non-Austrian graduates of universities in Austria holding a valid confirmation of residence (Aufenthaltsbestätigung) may directly submit their application to the competent residence authority in Austria

Download Form Here : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/4722…e_Formular.pdf

Related Post

Documents Requried :

The following documents have to be submitted with the Red-White-Red Card application
** Valid travel document (e.g. passport)
** Birth certificate or equivalent document
** Photograph (dimensions : 45x35mm) which is not older than six months
** Proof of locally customary accommodation (e.g. tenancy agreement or proof of freehold property purchase)
** Proof of health insurance covering all risks (compulsory health insurance or equivalent insurance policy)
** Proof of adequate means of subsistence (payslips, pay certificates, employment contracts, insurance benefit certificates, evidence of retirement or other pension or insurance benefits, investment capital or sufficient own assets)

The following documents have to be submitted for examination of the individual criteria for a Red-White-Red Card under the points system :
1. Qualification :
Vocational education/training :
** Certificate or diploma of completed vocational education/training

Special Knowledge or Abilities :
** Testimonials, diplomas and work certificates

Proof of eligibility for admission to university (Matura, Abitur, matriculation certificate) :
** Certificate furnishing proof of general eligibility for admission to university

2. Graduation :
** Document furnishing proof of successful completion of a three-year programme at an institution of tertiary education
** Document issued by the competent authority in your country reflecting the status of the university or institution of tertiary education

3. Work experience according to your qualification :
** Testimonials and work certificates

4. Language skills :
** Language diploma or language course certificate at the A1 or A2 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for German or the B1 or B2 levels for English.

German language diplomas and certificates may in particular be obtained from the following institutions : ÖSD, Goethe-Institut, Telc GmbH, Österreichischer Integrationsfonds.

The following diplomas and certificates are in particular recognised as evidence of proficiency in English :
Cambridge Certificate, TELC, IELTS diploma, TOEIC diploma, TOEFL diploma.

5. Professional athletes or professional sports coaches :
** Testimonials or work certificates

Originals and copies of the above-mentioned documents must be submitted. For easier review, the authority may require the documents to be translated into German or English; possibly, certified versions of documents may be required.

Read More: http://www.migration.gv.at/en/types-…-red-card.html

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