migration.gv.at : Apply For Red-White-Red Card Plus Austria

Name of the Website : Federal Government’s Official Information (Migration to Austria)
Type of Facility : Apply For Red-White-Red Card Plus
Country : Austria

Official Website : http://www.migration.gv.at/en/

Related : Federal Government Migration apply For EU Blue Card Austria : www.statusin.org/4724.html

Red-White-Red Card Plus :

1.The Red-White-Red Card plus is issued in the shape of a bank card and entitles its holder to settlement and unrestricted employment. Holders of a Red-White-Red Card plus may change their employer at any time without needing to apply for a new permit.

The fee is €100 (€80 for application, €20 for grant).

2.Holders of a Red-White-Red Card may apply for a Red-White-Red Card plus if they have been continuously employed in accordance with the requirements decisive for admission for a minimum of ten months within the preceding 12 months.
3.Family members of Red-White-Red Card holders and of holders of a EU Blue Card may apply for a Red-White-Red Card plus from the beginning.

Who may apply :

1. Family members of Red-White-Red Card holders or EU Blue Card holders
2. Holders of a Red-White-Red Card after a period of 12 months (10 months of continued employment with the same employer according to their qualification)
3. Holders of a EU Blue Card, if they have been employed for at least 21 months during the previous 24 months according to their qualification

Who is a family member :
Family members are defined as :
1. spouses
2. registered partners of the same sex
3. minor children, including adopted children and stepchildren (up to the age of 18).

Note :

** At the time of filing the application, spouses and registered partners must be 21 years of age.
** Family members of Red-White-Red Card holders and of holders of a EU Blue Card may apply for an Red-White-Red Card plus with unrestricted labour market access from the beginning. The card may be renewed after one year, independently of the renewal of the Red-White-Red Card or the EU Blue Card of the original card holder, if the family members have their own income.
** Family members must prove elementary German skills at the time of the first application. Family members of particularly highly qualified workers and holders of a EU Blue Card are not required to prove German skills with their application.

Where should the application be filed :

1.In case of a first-time application for a residence title (e.g. family members), it should be filed in person and before entry with the competent Austrian representation (embassy or consulate) abroad.
2.Applicants who are permitted to enter Austria under a visa-free regime or already hold a valid residence title may also file the application directly with the competent residence authority in Austria (Provincial Governor (Landeshauptmann) or the authorised district administration bodies (Bezirkshauptmannschaft or Magistrat)).
3.In case a residence title is renewed, the application should be filed on time, i.e. before the previous residence title expires, but at the earliest three months before that date.

Related Post

Download Form :https://www.statusin.org/uploads/4723…G_Formular.pdf

Which documents should be submitted :

1. a valid travel document (e.g. passport)
2. a birth certificate or a similar document
3. a photo (dimensions : 45x35mm) of the applicant, taken recently (six months ago or less)
4. if applicable :
** marriage certificate or certificate of registered same-sex partnership
** adoption papers
** evidence or certificate of the family relationship
5. evidence of a legal title to locally customary accommodation (e.g. a lease contract, preliminary agreement on tenancy rights or evidence of ownership)
6. evidence of health insurance covering all risks (compulsory health insurance or equivalent insurance policy)
7. evidence of adequate means of subsistence (particularly pay slips, proof of earnings, an employment contract, evidence of retirement or other pension or insurance benefits, proof of investment capital or sufficient own assets)

Evidence of social security benefits that may only be claimed after issuance of the residence title, in particular welfare benefits or equalisation supplements, is not suitable.

Family Members :
Evidence that the sponsor holds the required residence title

If Applicable :
Evidence of German language skills

In individual cases, additional documents may have to be submitted

Please note :
Originals and copies of the abovementioned documents must be submitted. The authorities may request that German or English translations or certified versions of the documents be provided for a thorough examination.

How long is the Red-White-Red Card plus valid :

The Red-White-Red Card plus is issued for a validity of one year. Persons who have been lawfully settled in Austria for at least two years and who fulfil module 1 of the Integration Agreement can receive a Red-White-Red Card plus valid for three years.

Read More : http://www.migration.gv.at/en/types-…lus.html#c2883

View Comments (1)

  • After reaching in Austria if a RWR card holder wants to look for more opportunities, can he immediately refuse to join the employer who offered him the "Job offer Letter"?.

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