RCMP Troop 17 Scholarship 2020 Canada : Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Organization : Royal Canadian Mounted Police (rcmp-grc.gc.ca)
Service / Scholarship Name : Troop 17 Scholarship 2020
Country : Canada
Application Last Date : March 31, 2020
Website : http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/troop-17-scholarship

RCMP Canada Troop 17 Scholarship

RCMP now accepting applications for 2020 Troop 17 Scholarship


The RCMP’s Troop 17 Scholarship was established to recognize students who have made significant efforts toward the prevention of bullying and harassment in their schools and/or communities.

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the Troop 17 Scholarship, all applicants must
** Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who has reached the age of majority in their province/territory of residence;

** Be enrolled in a full-time accredited Canadian college or university;
** Demonstrate they have made significant efforts in preventing bullying and harassment in their schools and/or communities; and

** Explain how they continue to promote anti-harassment principles in their schools and/or communities.

How To Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Troop 17 Scholarship 2020.

Steps :
Step 1 : Complete an application form 6513. Ensure the description in your application form does not exceed 1500 words, and clearly outlines the steps you have taken to prevent bullying and harassment in your school and/or community.

Download Form 6513 :

Related Post

For example :
(1) define the project and its delivery, and
(2) explain the overall outcome and impact the project had on your school and/or community.

Step 2 : Have two references validate your efforts on form 6514.

Download Form 6514 :

Please note :
** The narrative from your references should be no more than 250 words each
** Provide proof of enrollment from the academic institution you are attending.

Step 3 : Completed application forms, references, and proof of enrollment in a full-time post-secondary program should be submitted by mail or e-mail to RCMP.AIM.GRC [AT] rcmp-grc.gc.ca

Office of the Director General, Workforce Culture and Employee Engagement
Attn: Troop 17 Scholarship
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
73 Leikin Drive
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0R2

Selection Process

Applications will be assessed based on
** The creativity and originality of the initiative;
** The overall impact and/or results in the school and/or community; and,
** The clarity of thought, and quality of writing in the application.

Award Notification

Please note that only successful applicants will be notified. The 2019 Troop 17 Scholarship winners will be notified by July 31, 2020 and the RCMP will announce their names publically on September 30, 2020.


The deadline for applications for the 2020 Troop 17 Scholarship is March 31, 2020 – 23:59, Pacific Time.

Scholarship Background

“The Troop 17 Scholarship is one of the initiatives the RCMP has implemented to help promote inclusion and diversity and prevent harassment. We’re proud to help young Canadians reach their academic goals while encouraging them to make positive change in their communities,” said RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki.

This scholarship is named in honour of the first troop of women to attend the RCMP Academy and to be hired subsequently as RCMP police officers. It will award up to five scholarships annually in the amount of $1000 to college or university students across Canada.


Any questions or inquiries about the Troop 17 Scholarship should be sent to RCMP.AIM.GRC [AT] rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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