Mars One Online Astronaut Application Procedure

Name of the Organization : Mars One
Type of Facility : Online Astronaut Application Procedure
Country : Global

Official Website :

Mars One Online Astronaut Application Procedure :

The application process consists of four rounds.

Related : Mars One Astronaut Training Program :

Round 1 :
All candidates must submit an online application. The online application consists of general information about the applicant, a motivational letter, a resume and a one minute video in which the applicant answers some given questions and explains why he or she should be among the first humans who set foot on Mars. At this stage the potential candidates can submit their application in one of the 11 most used languages on Internet : English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Arabic, Indonesian, Chinese Mandarin, Japanese, Korean. If an applicant decides to make his or her public profile public, the application videos is available to be watched on At the end of Round 1, a team of Mars One experts will decide which applicants will pass to Round 2.

Round 2 :
Candidates for Round 2 will need to get a medical statement of good health from their physician. The applicant will be invited to meet with a Mars One selection committee. After conducting an interview with the candidates, the selection committee determines who will pass to round three. This interview could be aired on TV and internet.

Round 3 :
This round is the regional selection round, which could be aired on TV and internet in countries around the world. In each region, 20-40 applicants will participate in challenges that demonstrate their suitability to become one of the first humans on Mars. The audience will select one winner per region and Mars One experts will select additional participants to continue to Round 4.

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Round 4 :
1 : Round 4 will be an international event that will be broadcast throughout the world. The Mars One selection committee will create international groups of four candidates. The groups will be expected to demonstrate their ability to live in harsh living conditions, and work together under difficult circumstances. The groups will receive their first short term training in a copy of the Mars outpost.

2 : From the first selection series, six groups of four will become full time employees of the Mars One astronaut corps, after which they’ll train for the mission. Whole teams and individuals might be selected out during training when they prove not to be suitable for the mission.

The selection terms and procedures are subject to change.

Online Astronaut Application :
1 : It is currently not possible to apply.

2 : Mars One will start new selection programs regularly, so you will have the possibility to apply for subsequent astronaut selection programs.

3 : If you want to stay up to date, you can sign up for the Mars One Newsletter, and receive all Mars One updates.

Sign Up Here :…&id=68735e115d

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