Mars One Way Trip Astronaut Safety & Travel Timing

Name of the Organization : Mars One
Type of Facility : Mars One Way Trip Astronaut Safety & Travel Timing
Country : Global

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Astronaut Safety & Travel Timing :

How safe is the journey ?
The trip to Mars cannot be called risk free. Like any venture in any means of travel, there are always things that could go wrong.

Related : Mars One Online Astronaut Application Procedure :

In the case of Mars One, the following risks are conceivable :
** Accident(s) during launch
** Vital components could malfunction during the journey there
** A number of issues might present themselves when entering Mars’ atmosphere
** There could be problems when landing

Mars One will take every possible precaution to make sure the mission is as safe as can be:
** The rocket will be tested unmanned dozens of times before the astronauts so much as see it.
** Mars One uses technology that has been operating on the International Space Station for years, and have already planned for important components to be meticulously tested before use.
** By the time the astronauts start their journey, the process of entering Mars’ atmosphere will already have been performed eight times by unmanned capsules.

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Note :
Although travelling to Mars will evidently bring risks, if you were to compare our mission to the first Moon mission in 1969, it quickly becomes apparent that this mission is much safer. At the time of Apollo 11, there was a great deal of pressure to rush proceedings, and was therefore never properly tested. For example, the lunar lander hadn’t even been tested once.

How long does it take to travel to Mars?
The trip takes around seven months; a bit longer than astronauts currently stay on the International Space Station.

The precise duration of each journey depends on when it is taken. Because both Mars and Earth’s orbits are not perfectly circular, the time it takes to travel between them varies from six to eight months.

How to determine the dates of departure and arrival :
1 :The exact dates and years in which Mars One plans to execute the various stages of the plan were chosen for the beneficial astronomical position of Earth and Mars. When determining the course to Mars, the maximum travel time for the astronauts is very important.

2 :The most efficient route to take from Earth’s orbit to that of Mars is called the ‘Hohmann Transfer Orbit’ (see: illustration). The illustration shows a simplification of the process, as both Earth and Mars’ orbits are not perfect circles.

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