Birth Registration Online Appointment Netherlands Den Haag : Municipality of The Hague

Name of the Organization : Municipality of The Hague
Type of Facility : Birth Registration Online Appointment
Country : Netherlands

Official Website :

Register a birth :

If you have just had a baby, you will have to register the birth with the Registry Office of the Municipality of The Hague.

Related : Municipality of The Hague Den Haag Birth Certificate Online Application Netherlands :

You need to register the birth of your child within 3 working days at the Department of Public Service counter.

An official from the Registry Office will then draw up the birth certificate. The certificate provides legal proof of the child’s birth. After the birth is registered, the child is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP, fomerly the GBA) and assigned a citizen service number (BSN).

Make an appointment to register the birth of your child.

Make an appointment :

Related Post

Not a resident of The Hague :
** Was your child born in The Hague but you are not registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP) of The Hague- Then you still need to register the birth in The Hague.
** The civil servant will check your personal details at your local municipality.
** The Municipality of The Hague will inform your municipality of the birth.
** You will receive a citizen service number (burgerservicenummer/BSN) for your child from yoiur municipality.

What to bring to register the birth :
** A valid form of identification for the person registering the birth. This may be a driving licence if the person who is registering the birth is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database of the municipality where the birth is being registered.
** Preferably a valid form of identification for the mother.
** The municipality will verify the authenticity of your official documents.
** The Registry Office may ask for extra documents if these are needed to draw up the certificate or to determine the details which will be stated on the certificate.
** The given names, date of birth and time of birth of your child. You can bring the statement of birth from the hospital or midwife (which also states the name of the mother). The statement of birth is not mandatory : you may also provide this information yourself.
** Is this your first child- Parents can decide after the birth of their first child whether to give their child and future children the father’s surname or the mother’s.
** If the child has already been acknowledged before birth : a copy of the deed of acknowledgment.
** You can take your marriage or partnership booklet with you. The Registry Office will add your child to it (not mandatory).

Conditions :
The registration must be done in the municipality where the child was born. The registration of birth can be done by only 1 person.

The registration may only be done by :
The child’s father or mother

If there is no father or the father is unable to register the child, then one of the following people may do so :
people present at the birth (friend, grandfather or grandmother etc.)

If no other people were present at the birth :
** the people in whose home the child was born or
** the head of the hospital or clinic where the child was born.

If there is nobody who is authorised to register the birth, then the birth will be registered by a municipal employee. The mayor appoints the municipal employee.

Birth registration fees : None

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