Den Haag Appeal Your Parking Fine Netherlands : Municipality of The Hague

Name of the Organization : Municipality of The Hague
Type of Facility : Appeal Your Parking Fine
Country : Netherlands

Official Website :

Appeal Your Parking Fine :

Have you received a parking fine? And do you disagree with the fine?Then you can appeal the decision.

Related : Municipality of The Hague Den Haag Pay Parking Fine Online :

What are the conditions :
You may contest your fine in the following cases :
** You parked in order to provide first aid at an accident or you needed to quickly get to a doctor or a hospital for urgent medical reasons.
** Your licence and registration in the central database is incorrect. You are not or no longer the owner of the vehicle in question.
** Your car was stolen. For this reason you are not liable for the parking fine.

Personal circumstances are not valid reasons to not pay the fine. It is not always worth your while to appeal a parking fine. Judges in the Netherlands have defined a number of situations which do not qualify for appeal :
** You went to get change to buy a parking ticket from the parking metre;
** You did not return to your car in time. An appointment took longer than expected or you got lost.
** You think the parking fine is too high.

What will I need :
The following information must be stated in your appeal :
** day, month, year, time of incident, parking warden’s number
** the personal details of the person who parked the car
** the personal details of the person who is appealing (only if this person is not the same person who parked the car)
** the number plate
** the reason for appealing the fine
** your signature
** any evidence

Related Post

If you are appealing over the internet you should also include the number of the parking ticket (fine).

Evidence may include :
** a copy of your parking permit
** a copy of your digital parking pass
** a copy of your parking ticket
** a copy of the list of where you parked
** a copy of your parking card for paying with your mobile phone
** proof of emergency assistance (if you provided first aid)
** a declaration from the Dutch Road Transport Directorate (RDW) and a copy of your police statement if your car was stolen.

How long does it take? :
You will receive a confirmation of receipt within 1 week of submitting your appeal. You will be informed of the decision within 4 weeks. While awaiting the decision on your appeal, any measures to collect the fine will be suspended.

As of 1 October 2009 the ‘Wet dwangsom en beroep bij niet tijdig beslissen’ (Failure to give timely decisions act) is in effect. The law states that a municipality has to take a decision on a permit application or appeal on time. If this does not happen, the municipality may face a financial penalty.

How do I arrange it / What do I need to do? :
You must submit your appeal within 6 weeks of the date stated on the fine.
** If you live in the Municipality of The Hague, you can submit your appeal by filling out the digital appeal form ‘Bezwaarschrift naheffingsaanslag parkeerbelastingen’. You will need a DigiD to do this. Please note : it can take a few days before the issued parking ticket appears in the system. When you fill out the digital form, you could get the following message: ‘Bon niet in systeem, probeert u het later nog eens.’ (‘Ticket not in system, please try later.’)
** If you do not have a DigiD or you do not live in the Municipality of The Hague, then you can send your appeal to the Municipal Parking Division by post.

Appeal your parking fine :

Contact :
Municipal Parking Division

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