Application For Packaging Tax Refund For Foreign Entrepreneurs Netherlands : Belastingdienst Tax & Customs Administration

Name of the Organization : Tax and Customs Administration
Type of Facility : Application For Packaging Tax Refund For Foreign Entrepreneurs
Country : Netherlands

Official Website : https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/nl/home/home

Application For Packaging Tax Refund For Foreign Entrepreneurs :

Until 1 January 2014, you could log into the secure section for packaging tax on our website using your user name and password. Since this date, you can no longer log in and access your data.

Related : Tax & Customs Administration Belastingdienst Apply For Citizen Service Number : www.statusin.org/4779.html

If you want to save any data, you should have done so before 1 January 2014. You are obliged to retain your data for 7 years.

Packaging tax abolished :
Packaging tax was abolished on 1 January 2013. This has consequences for accessing the secure section for packaging tax on our website. Moreover, the Waste Management Contribution for Packaging (Afvalbeheersbijdrage Verpakkingen) was introduced on 1 January 2013.

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Sector agreements for packaging tax cancelled :
Agreements were made earlier with various sectors about a simplification of the packaging tax return. If you filed a statement or tax return, you took these agreements into account. All sector agreements made were cancelled on 1 January 2013.

Direct debit collection cancelled :
Did you authorise us to directly debit the packaging tax to your bank account- This authorisation will be cancelled automatically; you need not contact us or your bank.

Waste Management Contribution for Packaging :
The Waste Management Contribution for Packaging has been applicable since 1 January 2013. Businesses that bring at least 50,000 kilograms of packaging material into the market must pay this contribution. The Packaging Waste Fund (Afvalfonds Verpakkingen) is responsible for the implementation of this contribution. More information about this can be found at www.afvalfondsverpakkingen.nl.

Questions? :
If you have any questions, you can call the Packaging Tax Help Desk (Helpdesk verpakkingenbelasting) : 06 – 54 72 58 46, open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

You can also contact us in writing. Send your letter to :
Belastingdienst/kantoor Arnhem
t.a.v. Verpakkingenbelasting
Postbus 9001
6800 DB Arnhem

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