Belastingdienst Insurance Premium Tax Netherlands : Tax & Customs Administration

Name of the Organization : Tax and Customs Administration
Type of Facility : Insurance Premium Tax
Country : Netherlands

Official Website : https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/nl/home/home

Insurance Premium Tax :

Insurance premium tax is imposed when an insurance contract is entered into with an insurer. The rate of the insurance premium tax is 21% of the premium. From 1 March 2011 to 1 January 2013 the rate was 9,7%.

Related : Tax & Customs Administration Belastingdienst Filing & Paying Landlord Levy Return : www.statusin.org/4781.html

International issues : insurance premium tax
Insurance premium tax is imposed when an insurance contract is entered into with an insurer. The rate of the insurance premium tax is 21% of the premium.

Some types of insurance are exempt from premium insurance tax, such as :
** life insurance
** accident, disability and invalidity insurance
** health insurance
** unemployment and transport insurance

Who pays the insurance premium tax? :
The following persons or institutions pay the insurance premium tax :
** a designated intermediary
** an insurer in the Netherlands or his authorised agent
** an intermediary if he receives his fee from an insurer in the Netherlands
** a legal representative in the Netherlands of an insurer abroad
** an intermediary who mediates between an insurer abroad and a policyholder in the Netherlands
** a tax representative in the Netherlands of an insurer in the EU
** an insurer in the EU who has no tax representative in the Netherlands
** a tax representative of an insurer outside the EU
** a policyholder, if the insurance premium tax due is not paid by some other party

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Submitting a tax return :
The insurance premium tax becomes due on the due date for payment of the insurance premium by the policyholder.

Before submitting a tax return for the first time, you have to be registered as a taxpayer. To be registered you can submit te Registration Status Enquiry form for Foreign Enterprices.

A tax return must be submitted for he insurance premium tax. The tax must be paid within one month after the period in which you submitted your return. The tax return period may be one month, one quarter or one year.

You can download the Tax return form for insurance premium tax : Aangifte assurantiebelasting (only available in Dutch).

Rate :
Starting 1 January 2013, the rate for insurance premium tax is 21% of the insurance premiums plus any separate fees paid for services linked to the insurance policy.

Further information :
If you have any questions or would like to know more about insurance premium tax, please contact the Tax Information Line Non-resident Tax Issues.

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