FAQs Frequently Asked Questions : Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme Pakistan

Organization : Higher Education Commission, Pakistan
Facility/ Service Name : PM Laptop Scheme FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
Country : Pakistan
Website : pmnls [dot] hec [dot] gov [dot] pk


Prime Minister’s Laptops Scheme Frequently Asked Questions


Prime Minister’s Laptops Scheme is for Talented Students with the main objective of this scheme is an attempt to enhance the scope of research and quality education in the country and increase the access to information technology.

Registration Form

1. What is HSSC %?
HSSC % means percentage of marks obtained in Higher Secondary School Certificate which is percentage obtained in Intermediate i.e. 12 years of education or equivalent.

2. What is SSC %?
SSC % means percentage of marks obtained in Secondary School Certificate which is percentage obtained in Matric i.e. 10 years of education or equivalent

3. What is Last Exam %?
It is the percentage of marks obtained in Latest Bachelor/Master Degree, as of June 2017. If you are in 1st semester and awaiting result yet then please enter % of marks obtained in HSSC -Intermediate, 12 years of education or equivalent.

4. How can I receive verification code on my Number?
** Make sure your cell number is not converted on any other network, as it may NOT allow you to receive verification code.
** Verification code cannot be reused.

Follow the steps to verify cell phone number :
** Enter your phone number like “0333123456” and submit.
** You will receive the verification code on your cell phone.
** Please submit the code in the “Cell phone verification code” filed and press the verification button. If code matches both fields will turn green.
** It means you have successfully verified your cell phone number.

5. How can I verify Email?
** Make sure you provide your active email id and you have an access to it.
** If not, simply make a new email id, incorrect email id may cancel your verification
** Verification code cannot be reused.

Follow the steps to verify email :
** Enter your correct Email address carefully and press the verify Email button,
** You will receive the verification code on your email address.
** Please submit the code in the “Email verification code” filed and press the verification button. If code matches both fields will turn green.
** It means you have successfully verified your your email.

6. What is Applied Status?
If you have successfully submitted the registration form then your status would change to “Applied”. This DOES NOT GUARANTEE an award of laptop.

7. What is “Verified” Status?
When the student’s record has been confirmed by the corresponding university focal person, the status changes to “VERIFIED”.

Laptop Scheme

8. Process of Award of Laptop?
Award of Laptop is subject to the merit status as “SELECTED” in merit list & proof of the data at the time of distribution. It is not dependent on any of the student status Mentioned on Portal (Applied, Update, Asset Issued, and Verified).

9. Whom to contact in case of any query(ies) and confusion(s)?
In case of any queries please contact your focal person. In order to contact HEC, you may send an email to pmnls [AT]

10. Who is “Focal Person”?
Focal Person is the responsible person of the university, who is sending all data to HEC. The detail list of every university focal person and contact is found on HEC website. Please contact the focal person in case of any queries and guidance.

Categories: Pakistan

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