Name of the Organisation : Teofilo Kisanji University
Type of Facility : Online Application System TOAS
Location : Mbeya
Country : Tanzania
Website :
Teku Online Application System :
Teofilo Kisanji University (TEKU) has started online application system where students wishing to apply for non-degree programmes and Postgraduate programmes will be able to apply anywhere provided that there is Internet connectivity.
Related : Kampala International University Dar es Salaam College Admission Online Application Tanzania :
Login/Register :
A. First Time Applicants :
1. First select provider (VODACOM, TIGO) then in the text box given, Type MPESA, TIGO PESA transaction received after making application fee. Example : TKS20199HJ Then click proceed.
2. You should be directed to the application page if the entered transaction is correct. If you are not directed keep trying after 45 minutes and you will be directed to the application page.
3. In the application page, you will be given a random number by the system depending on your Transaction. You must keep this number safe as from then the system will use this number to identify you.
4. You will see the items in your left menu which you will be required to fill.
5. You must click each item starting from the first item. If the item is complete you will see that it has appeared in the right column under the title “completed Item”
6. You must be very carefully when filling these forms, you might not be allowed to edit some of these items.
7. Incase you make a mistake in filling these forms, don’t panic, you will be able to edit when you login as “Registered applicants”
8. Incase you face problems while filling the forms, or there is an item not clear, you may make a direct call using one of the numbers displayed at the top of the system for immediate assistance.
9. After completing filling forms you will create your username and password that will be used to login to “Registered Applicants” where you can edit your particulars and check the status of your application.
B. Registered Applicants :
1. In the space for username and password, type the information you created during first time of your application.
2. After the selection process has been done, you will be able to see in your account if you have selected or otherwise, and you will be able to download Joining Instructions Form.
3. IF you have been selected, You must report at the University with the following Documents :
All requirements described in your joining instructions :
** All certificates used in the application process (Both original & Copy)
** Your Joining Instructions printed from the System
** Two Passpot size photos
Instructions To Applicants :
1. Currently all applicants will use VODACOM MPESA , TIGO PESA services to pay for application fee which is nonrefundable
2. The application fee is TSH. 32,000/= for Diploma and Certificate programmes and 52,000/= for Postgraduate programmes.
3. This amount should be sent to the number 0753 368466 for MPESA, 0659 300640 for TIGO registered as TEOFILO KISANJI
4. Applicant must meet the minimum requirements for admission into a programme applied for. The qualifications entry can be found by clicking this link “Entry Qualifications”.
5. Applicant must have one digital past port sized picture (ppt) which he/she will upload into the system.
6. After making payment via MPESA or TIGO PESA all applicants are advised to make online application within 3 days. This is to avoid difficultness in tracing the applicant incase there is a problem.
7. For immediate help, all applicants are advised to make online applications from Monday to Friday
8. Applicants are advised to keep MPESA, TIGO PESA transaction and their ID given by the system, in case there is a problem, you will be asked to provide that information for assistance from TEKU staff.
9. Applicants must provide TRUE and CORRECT information when making online applications.
10. Selection results will be put in TEKU (, DOCE website and in applicant’s OAS ONLINE accounts.
Further Inquiry :
If you have any questions use the following contacts :
Mobile : +255 25 2502682, 0752 758581, 0754 549631, 0718816833
Email :,