Massachusetts Election Ballot Tracking :

Organisation : SEC Massachusetts
Facility Name : Online Ballot Tracking
Applicable State : Massachusetts
Website :

Massachusetts Ballot Track

Now you can track your Ballot online

How To Track Your Ballot?

To find your 2020 mail-in ballot:
** Enter your name and the address at which you are qualified to vote.
** This address must be in a city or town in Massachusetts, and NOT your mailing address.
** If you live in a village, view list of village names (opens in new window or tab) to find the city or town name for your village.
** Data entered must match the data on your mail-in ballot application.
** Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Absentee Voting

Absentee voting is available for all elections, for those voters who qualify. To qualify for an absentee ballot, you must:

** Be away from your city/town on Election Day; or
** Have a disability that keeps you from voting at your polling place; or
** Have a religious belief that prevents you from voting at your polling place on Election Day

Absentee vs. Early Voting
Massachusetts has absentee voting for all elections and early voting for some elections. The two systems overlap in several ways, but the most important difference is that absentee voters must have an excuse (listed above), while there is no excuse needed in order to vote early.

In general, most voters who do not vote on Election Day in 2020 will cast an early ballot, either by mail or in person, but there are certain circumstances when it would be appropriate to apply for an absentee ballot instead of an early ballot.

You should complete an absentee ballot application if you are:
** A military voter on active duty;
** A Massachusetts citizen residing outside of the United States;
** A voter who has been admitted to the hospital within 1 week of the election;
** A voter who has been quarantined within 1 week of the election;
** A voter who is incarcerated.

Applying for an Absentee Ballot

Absentee ballots must be requested in writing at least 4 business days before Election Day. Applications are available for download below, but any written request is acceptable if it has your signature on it, or the signature of a member of your family who has making the request on your behalf.

Applications can be submitted by mail, email, or fax. If you are emailing your application, you may either scan or take a photo of your signed application and email it to your local election office, or you may sign your application using a mouse, finger, or stylus and email the completed and signed attachment. Typed signatures are not acceptable.

If you would like an absentee ballot application mailed to you, you may call 1-800-462-VOTE (8683) or email

If you do not have an absentee ballot application, you may write a letter to your local election official requesting an absentee ballot. Make sure to include your name, your address, the place you would like the ballot mailed, and your signature. If you are requesting a primary ballot and you are unenrolled (independent), be sure to indicate which party’s ballot you want to have mailed to you.

Find contact information for your local election official in our Directory.

Emergency Absentee Ballots

If you have been admitted to a healthcare facility or you are instructed to quarantine in your home within 1 week of the election, you may use the absentee ballot application to designate someone of your choice to deliver a ballot to you.

The person you designate to deliver your ballot will need to bring the signed application to your local election office, pick up your absentee ballot, bring it to you, and return it for you by the close of polls on Election Day. Emergency ballots may be requested up until the close of polls.

Returning your Ballot

Ballots may be returned by mail or in person to your city/town hall. If your city/town has provided a secure ballot drop box, ballots can be submitted to that drop box.

Typically, ballots returned from inside the country must reach your local election office by the close of polls on Election Day in order to be counted. For the 2020 November State Election only, ballots will need to be postmarked by Election Day and reach your local election office no later than November 6 in order to be counted.

For 2020 mail-in ballots, postage on ballots is pre-paid. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map