Estate Agency Affairs Board EAAB South Africa : How to Deregister & Reregister

Name of the Organization : Estate Agency Affairs Board
Type of Facility : How to Deregister & Reregister
Location : Johannesburg
Country : South Africa
Official Website : http://www.eaab.org.za/home

How to Deregister & Reregister

How To Deregister :
In closing down an existing agency firm the following documentation is required to be submitted to the Estate Agency Affairs Board Registrations Department :
** A letter from the bank, confirming the closure and relevant date in respect of the trust account/s

Related : EAAB South Africa Fidelity Fund Certificate Renewals : www.statusin.org/4860.html

** All outstanding audit reports are to be up to date;
** Payment of any outstanding levies and/or penalties (if any);

** Should the date of closure of the trust account follow the period of audit of a financial year end, an additional audit report will have to be submitted to cover the period since
** the last completed audit report, up to the date of closure of the trust account;

** Letter from the agency’s auditors, confirming the correct procedures insofar as the transfer of the trust funds (if any);
** Letter from the principal of the agency, requesting deregistration as an estate agency from the EAAB;

** Return of all current year’s Fidelity Fund Certificates by the agency (if any).

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Please Note :
No de-registration request will be considered without submission of all relevant documentation.

Required Disclosure By Intern Estate Agents :
Intern estate agents are reminded that they are obliged, pursuant to the provisions of regulation 2(4)(a) of the Standard of Training of Estate Agents Regulations, 2008, to disclose the fact that they are intern estate agents on all printed material relating to their activities as estate agents.

They are required, therefore, specifically to disclose the fact that they are intern estate agents on, for instance, all business cards, letterheads, pamphlets, brochures and any form of advertising, save only for advertisements appearing in the ‘smalls’ section of the press.

Intern estate agents may not, whether directly or indirectly, hold themselves out or advertise that they have complied with the prescribed educational requirements or that they are full status estate agents.

How To Re-Register An Estate Agency Firm :
To Re-register a firm Principal : Director, Member, Partner or Sole Proprietor the following documents must be submitted:
** A certified ID copy;
** A letter from appointed auditors (IRBA registered);

** CK documents (if it is an already existing CC);
** CM documents if it’s a company;
** Both Business and Principal application forms;

** A letter from the bank confirming that trust account has been opened in terms of Section 32(1) of Act 112 of 1976;
** A signed letter from the principal instructing the EAAB to Re-register the firm;
** Required payment or Proof of payment.

Please Note :
No Re-registration will be done without any of the required documents

Categories: South Africa
Tags: eaab.org.za
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