realinsurance.co.tz Claim Status Check Dar es Salaam : REAL Insurance Tanzania

Name of the Organization : REAL Insurance Tanzania
Type of Facility : Claim Status Check
Location : Dar es Salaam
Country : Tanzania

Official Website : http://www.realinsurance.co.tz/

Claim Process & Status :

1. Notify REAL Insurance immediately by fax, e-mail or visit.

Related : Tanzania Postal Bank Apply For Insurance : www.statusin.org/6283.html

2. Submit the following Documents :
** Fully completed and signed claim
** If it is a large incident such as a fire, explosion, etc you will be required to provide a detailed incident report and a loss adjuster will normally give guidelines.
** Documents (invoices, receipts, and quotations) to support claim quantum.
** Report the incident to the police if it is a theft, motor accident, where applicable.
** A loss adjuster or assessor will be appointed, depending on the size of the claim.
** Assessor or Loss Adjuster, once his investigations are complete, does a report for Standard Fire & General with his recommendations.
** Insurer will make the decision to repair, reinstate or pay cash in lieu.
** Comprehensive Medical report is required in case of an injury claim under Group Personal Accidents.
** Labor Division assessment forms are also required in case of a Workmen’s
** Compensation claims.
** Common Problems
** Late submission of documents – normally internal reports take long to produce and the claim settlement process will not proceed until all the documents mentioned in 2 above are submitted.
** Supporting documents – sometimes documents to support claim quantum take long to produce, thus delaying the settlement process as well.

Claim Status :
Please fill all the details below to check status of your claim

Fill Form/Get Status : http://www.realinsurance.co.tz/Claims/Check%20Claim

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