cipro.gov.za Document Status Check South Africa : Companies & Intellectual Property Registration Office

Name of the Organization : Companies & Intellectual Property Commission
Type of Facility : Document Status Check
Country : South Africa

Official Website : https://www.cipc.co.za/

Document Status :

Please select one of the document status listing options from the table below.

Related :

Companies & Intellectual Property Commission South Africa Synonym & Document Search : https://www.statusin.org/4883.html

Testing ICT :
Please note :
A maximum of 2000 documents will be returned by any of the options available from the table below.

Option 1 :
List all of my documents that are still “In process” – i.e. That have a status of 0.

Related Post

Option 2 :
List all of my documents that have been sent “Out on query” – i.e. That have a status of 2 or 3.

Option 3 :
List all of my documents where “Processing is complete” – i.e. That have a status of 1.

Option 4 :
List all of my documents received between two dates. Supplied dates are in DD-MM-YYYY format.

Please note :
The “To Date” must occur on or after the “From Date” otherwise no documents will be found.

Get Status Here : https://eservices.cipc.co.za/Login.aspx

Categories: Z-Crawled-Posts
Tags: cipro.gov.za

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    • Login with your customer code and password and so you can list all your documents that are In process, Out on query, Processing is complete and documents received between two dates.

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