cipro.gov.za Synonym & Document Search South Africa : Companies & Intellectual Property Commission

Name of the Organization : Companies & Intellectual Property Commission
Type of Facility : Synonym & Document Search
Country : South Africa

Official Website : https://www.cipc.co.za/

Synonym & Document Search :

The CIPRO search engine uses a number of predefined synonyms. These synonyms are used by the Advanced Name Search function when using the THESAURUS operator (To learn more about the THESAURUS operator, please see the Search Operators documentation).

Related : CIPC Trade Mark Search South Africa : www.statusin.org/4966.html

To see a listing of the predefined synonyms for a particular word (As used by the CIPRO search engine), please use the form provided, below.

Please Note :
Synonyms for certain words might contain spelling mistakes. These spelling mistakes have been purposefully included to accommodate spelling mistakes that have been made in the actual registration of various enterprises.

To search for synonyms of a word, please enter the word in the space provided and then click the Search button.

Search Here : https://www.cipc.co.za/

Document Search :
The following forms allow you to search our document tracking system and to view the status of documents that have been submitted to our office.

Search using the enterprise name :
Select the type of form you are searching for from the drop-down menu. If your browser supports Java scripting and if the Java scripting is currently enabled, a short description of the selected form will be shown in the text area below the drop-down menu.

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Founding statement for CC :
Enter the name of the enterprise and click the search button. For CK7s and CM5s, please use the first proposed name.

Search using the applicant’s name :
Select the type of form you are searching for from the drop-down menu. If your browser supports Java scripting and if the Java scripting is currently enabled, a short description of the selected form will be shown in the text area below the drop-down menu.

Founding statement for CC :
Enter the name of the applicant that was supplied when the form was submitted and click the search button. On some forms, supplying the applicant’s name is not mandatory, so if you didn’t supply the applicant’s name on the form you are looking for, this search will not work.

Search using the enterprise number :
Select the type of form you are searching for from the drop-down menu. If your browser supports Java scripting and if the Java scripting is currently enabled, a short description of the selected form will be shown in the text area below the drop-down menu.

Founding statement for CC :
Enter the number of the enterprise and click the search button. This search can not be used when looking for CK7s and CM5s.

Please Note :
Old or new enterprise numbers can be used but must be provided without the slashes (/). For enterprises registered after 1 January 2000, only the new number will work.

Search using the document tracking number :
Select the type of form you are searching for from the drop-down menu. If your browser supports Java scripting and if the Java scripting is currently enabled, a short description of the selected form will be shown in the text area below the drop-down menu.

Founding statement for CC :
Enter the document tracking number and click the search button. Obviously, you can only use this one if you already KNOW the document tracking number.

Search Here : https://eservices.cipc.co.za/Login.aspx

Tags: cipro.gov.za
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