Temporary Residence Permits South Africa : Department of Home Affairs

Name of the Organization : Department of Home Affairs
Type of Facility : Temporary Residence Permits
Country : South Africa

Official Website : https://www.dha.gov.za/

Temporary Residence Permits :

Business Permits :
Foreigners who are contemplating investing in the South African economy by establishing a business or by investing in an existing business in the country must apply for a business permit.

Related : DHA Zimbabwean Special Permit ZSP South Africa : www.statusin.org/4884.html

As an applicant, you will be required to invest a prescribed financial capital contribution.

To invest in or open a business in South Africa you will need to, along with Form BI-1738, submit a certificate issued by a chartered accountant registered with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants to the effect that you have :
** At least R2,5m (two and a half million rands) in cash
** A capital contribution of at least R2.5m or
** At least R2m in cash and a capital contribution of at least R500 000 that originated from abroad and is available to be invested as part of the book value of the business
** A business plan outlining the feasibility of the business, both in the long and the short-term
** Proof or an undertaking that at least five citizens or permanent residents shall be permanently employed
** An undertaking to register with South African Revenue Services
** Proof of registration with the relevant trade body, board or council (where applicable)
** A police clearance certificate from each country where you resided since the age of 18 years, including the Republic of South Africa
** A yellow fever vaccination certificate if you have travelled or intend travelling through a yellow fever endemic area
** A repatriation deposit equivalent to the value of a return ticket to your country of origin/permanent residence, which is refundable after your final departure or after you have acquired a permanent residence permit
** Medical and radiology reports

The capital requirements above may be reduced or waived in respect of the following types of industries/businesses :
** Information and Communication Technology
** Clothing and textile manufacturing
** Chemicals and bio-technology
** Agro-processing
** Metals and minerals refinement
** Automotive manufacturing
** Tourism
** Crafts

Business permit applications made for existing businesses require the following documents (in addition to all those listed above) to be submitted with the temporary residence application form :
** Financial statements for the preceding financial year
** A partnership agreement

Work Permits :
Work permits are issued only to foreigners where South African citizens with the relevant skills are not available for appointment. These permits are open-ended and applications must be made at any regional office of the Department of Home Affairs or nearest South African embassy, mission or consulate abroad.

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Quota work permits :
For a Quota work permit, you must submit the following documents along with the BI-1738application form :
** A passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of intended visit.
** Payment of the prescribed fee.
** A vaccination certificate, if required by the Act
** Medical and radiology reports
** A police clearance certificate from each country in which you resided for 12 months or longer since the age of 18 years

Proof of financial means to cover envisaged living expenses during the sojourn in the Republic. This should be in the form of :
** bank statements
** cash available, or
** travellers’ cheques

You must also :
** Lodge a cash deposit equivalent to the value of a return or onward ticket
** Submit certification from the South African Qualifications Authority confirming the necessary qualifications for the occupation
** Submit confirmation of the required work experience for the occupation.
** Register with the relevant trade body, if required by law
** Submit all required documentation for a spouse and/or children if they intend to accompany you

Within 90 days of admission, the holder of a quota permit shall submit to the Director- General confirmation of having secured employment within the category or class contemplated in section 19(1) of the Act and every 12 months thereafter, confirmation of continued employment within that category or class.

General work permits :

General work permits are valid for the duration of the contract of employment. To apply, you must submit the following documentation :
** A duly completed application form signed by yourself, the applicant
** A passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of intended visit
** Payment of the prescribed fee
** A vaccination certificate, if required by the Act
** Medical and radiology reports
** A police clearance certificate from each country in which you resided for 12 months or longer since the age of 18 years
** Lodge a cash deposit equivalent to the value of a return or an undertaking from the employer
** A contract of employment signed by both yourself and the employer.
** Original proof of qualifications and evaluation thereof by the South African Qualifications Authority.
** If the qualifications are in a foreign language, you must have the documents translated into one of the official languages by a sworn translator (and provide proof of registration of the translator)
** Proof that all short-listed candidates have been interviewed in terms of regulation 16(4)(d)
** A letter of motivation from the employer as required in regulation 16(4)(d)
** A letter of registration, if required by a law, from the relevant professional body/board/ council or undertake to register with the relevant professional body, board or council in the Republic of South Africa, where applicable.
** Full particulars of the employer including proof of registration with the Registrar of Companies
** A certificate by the Department of Labour or an extract from the database of a benchmarking organisation stipulating the salary earned by employees occupying similar positions in the Republic of South Africa
** All required documentation for a spouse and/or children if they intend to accompany you

Proof of financial means to cover envisaged living expenses in the Republic until the applicant receives a salary. This should be in the form of :
** bank statements
** cash available, or
** travellers’ cheques

The original advertisement of the post/position as it appeared in the national printed media. The advertisement must comply with regulation 16(5) :
** Reflect the full particulars of the relevant newspaper or magazine as well as date on which the advertisement was published
** Stipulate the minimum qualifications and experience required to fill the position
** Clearly define the position and the duties to be performed
** Measure at least 60mm by 60mm.
** State the closing date for applications
** Should not be older than 3 months at the time of application for a work permit. This period is calculated from the closing date of advert

A general work permit shall lapse if within 6 months of issuance and if every year thereafter the holder fails to submit satisfactory proof to the Director-General that he/she is still employed along with proof of the terms and conditions of the job, and the job description.

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