CIPC Apply For Name Change South Africa : Companies & Intellectual Property Commission

Name of the Organization : Companies & Intellectual Property Commission
Type of Facility : Apply For Name Change
Location : Cape Town
Country : South Africa

Official Website : http://www.cipc.co.za/

Changes to the Company Name :

In order to change an existing company name, or to add a name to a company that is trading with its registration number, a name must first be reserved.

Related : CIPC Annual Return Filing System South Africa : www.statusin.org/4891.html

Once a name reservation has been approved, the company must apply for a change to its memorandum of incorporation (MoI). Please note that any change to an MoI must be accompanied by a resolution by the shareholders authorising the name change.

Register as a Customer :
To view information on how to register as a customer, click here. If you are already registered as a customer, and know your customer code and password, proceed to step 2.

Deposit funds :
Deposit R50 for a name reservation and R250 for the MoI change if the company has been trading with a name (there is no fee associated with an name change from registration number to name) into the CIPC bank account. For the bank account details, click here. Use your customer code as reference when depositing funds into the CIPC account.

Service Turnaround Time :
15 working days from date of tracking.

Reserve a Corporate Name :
For more information about name reservation, click here. Any company may be registered with or without a company name. If a reserved name is not included in the initial application, the company will be registered with its enterprise number. A name may be added at a later stage through a name amendment. A name amendment requires an approved name reservation and a special resolution to effect a change to the Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI).

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To reserve a company name, follow these steps :
** Click on”On-line transacting”/Name Reservation;
** Login using your Customer Code and Password;
** Click on Name Reservations/Proposed Name;
** Click on “Proposed Names”;
** Capture one to four names in order of preference. Please ensure that you capture the names accurately. If you make an error, you will need to apply for a name change at a later stage;
** Click on “Submit Proposed Name”.
** A screen will display, indicating if the exact name test was successful or not. If the test for one of the proposed names was not successful, it will be indicated with a cross. Click on Back and propose another name if you want to add another name. Click on Lodge Name Reservation.
** The next screen will indicate that the proposed name(s) has been reserved, and provide you with a reservation number. Click on either Back to Name Reservations or on Home.
** You will receive an SMS and email confirmation of the name reservation with the reference number of the reservation.

On-line transacting/Name Reservation : https://www.cipc.co.za/

The service delivery standard for a name reservation is 5 working days from the date of submission.

Document Status :

You can track the progress of your document by clicking on “Track my transactions” on the home page. Click on “Additional Services”, select “Customers” and then select “Document Status”. To check the tracking number, go to “Customer Transactions” under “Customers”.

Apply for a name change manually :
Print and complete form CoR15.2. Upload and submit the signed forms and supporting documents to CIPC OR Scan and e-mail the completed and signed documents together with supporting information to namechange@cipc.co.za

The following supporting documents must be included in your e-mail :
** Confirmation notice of name reservation – CoR9.4
** The original written resolution or statement of consent to the name change
** Certified identity copy of signatory
** Power of attorney (if applicable)

Click here to lodge an enquiry : http://enquiries.cipc.co.za/

Important :
Queries relating to transactions already lodged should only be submitted once the Service Turnaround Time has lapsed.

Tags: cipc.co.za
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