South Africa SPUR Advertising Pty Ltd : Win 1 of 3 Exclusive Rhino Experiences 2014

Name of the Organization : Spur Advertising (Pty) Ltd
Name of the Competition : Win 1 of 3 Exclusive Rhino Experiences 2014
Country : South Africa
Competition Period : 31 December 2014

Official Website : https://www.spursteakranches.com/

1 of 3 Rhino Experiences Competition Rules :

1. This competition (“Competition”) is conducted by Spur Advertising (Pty) Ltd (“Spur”) and The South African Breweries (Pty) Limited (“SAB”) (together referred to herein as “the Promoters”) and may only be entered into by customers of restaurants franchised by Spur Group (Pty) Ltd (“participating Spur outlets”) who are 18 years or older and resident in South Africa.

Related : SPUR Advertising Pick N Pay Smart Shopper Promotion South Africa : www.statusin.org/4905.html

2. All entrants must be holders of a Spur Family Card (“Family Card”) whether a primary or secondary Family Card.

3. No persons who are directors, members, partners, employees, franchisees, or agents of, or consultants to, either of the Promoters, their marketing service provider(s) utilised in connection with this Competition, any supplier of goods or services in connection with this Competition, any other person who directly or indirectly controls, or is controlled by, them, or any spouse, life partner, parent, child, brother, sister, business partner or associate of any of such persons, may enter into the Competition.

4. A copy of these Competition rules (“Rules”) is available on www.spur.co.za. These Rules may be amended by reasonable notification via the Spur website at any time during the Competition, and will be applied and interpreted by the Promoters and their decisions regarding any disputes relating to such meaning and/or content will be final and binding.

5. Participation by the entrants in the Competition constitutes an agreement to abide by these Rules.

6. The Competition starts on 17 November 2014 and ends at midnight on 31 December 2014 (“Competition period”).

7. The prize is 1 of 3 Exclusive Rhino Experiences at a 5 star Safari Lodge with Mark Boucher. The prize includes 2 nights at a luxurious safari lodge from 10 to 12 April 2015 and an exclusive rhino tagging experience for the winner and a partner, who must also be 18 years or older. Winners must be available to travel on the aforementioned dates.

8. To enter, entrants must purchase a 500ml Castle Draught at Spur’s retail price of R23.90 (Twenty Three Rand Ninety Cents) each at a participating Spur outlet and swipe their Family Card when paying. For those Spur outlets that don’t offer Castle Lager Draught, entrants must purchase a 340ml Castle Lager at Spur’s retail price of R15.00 (Fifteen Rand) each and swipe their Family Card when paying. This offer is only available as a sit-down purchase for consumption on the premises of the relevant participating Spur outlet. Only 1 swipe is permitted per entrant per Castle Draught purchased per day (“Swipe”). Each swipe constitutes one entry into the Competition..

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8.1. Entrants, who have applied for their Family Card during the Competition period, are required to and register their details online at  midnight on 31 December 2014. Entries that have no details attached to their card numbers will not be considered for the prize.

8.2. The Promoters shall not be held liable for not capturing the entry of a new Family Card applicant who has failed to complete their entry as required in Clause 8.1 above.

9. In the event that more than one Family Card holder each purchased a 500ml Castle Draught or 340ml Castle Lager glass bottle on one single invoice then a different Family Card may be swiped in respect of each Castle Draught or Castle Lager glass bottle purchased, however no more than 5 (five) Family Cards may be swiped per invoice and entries remain subject to Clause 8 above.

10. The winners of the prizes will be randomly drawn from entrants who have duly completed their entries as required in clause 8 above, after the end of the Competition period and will be notified by telephone and/or email by a Spur representative. The winners and their partners will be required to forward certified copies of their identity documents to Spur within the time period stipulated by Spur. Every reasonable effort will be made to contact the winners, however if the winners do not respond to the notification/s and/or provide the required documents within 7 (seven) days after Spur has informed him or her that he/she has won the prize the winners will forfeit the prize and Spur will be entitled to re-draw a new winner. Shortly after the winners have complied with the above requirements, the winners will be contacted by an SAB representative, who will make the necessary arrangements for the prizes to be redeemed. The winners will be required to sign the necessary indemnity and prize acceptance forms when agreeing to accept and participate in the prize.

11. The prize is not transferable, exchangeable or redeemable for cash and, to the maximum extent permitted in law, the Promoters and their subsidiary and holding companies are not liable for any defects in, or changes to, any part of the prize.

12. Spur and/or SAB may, after the winner has accepted the prize, and both before or after the winner of the Competition has been publicly announced, request that the winner permit the use of their image/s and/or name/s in their marketing material and/or participate in their marketing activities (including endorsing, promoting and/or advertising the services of, Spur and SAB or any of their subsidiary or holding companies) (“the Invitation”). The winner has the right to expressly decline the Invitation in the manner stipulated in this clause. Should the winner fail to decline the Invitation either in the prize acceptance form mentioned in 13 below, or by telephone, e-mail or in writing to Jessica Martin : Tel: 021 555-5100, Email: jessicam AT spur.co.za, Postal address: Box 166, Century City, 7446 Cape Town, South Africa, within 5 (five) days of being notified that they are the winner of the Competition and being expressly requested to accept or decline the Invitation in writing, then such winners shall be deemed to have accepted the Invitation and granted permission and/or agreed to participate in marketing activities in the manner set out above.

13. To the maximum extent permitted in law, the owners of any Spur restaurant, Spur Advertising (Pty) Ltd, The South African Breweries (Pty) Limited or any holding or subsidiary companies of any of them, or any of their respective directors, officers, managers, employees, agents, franchisees, or anyone associated with any of them, shall not incur any liability to any person for any injury, loss, claim or damage of any nature whatsoever whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise, as a result of (or in any way connected to) any person entering into, or arising from any cause whatsoever or howsoever arising from any person’s participation in any way, in this Competition or as a result of (or in any way connected to) any prize won there under (any such prizes being utilized and accepted at the sole and own risk of any winner thereof).

14. In the event of a dispute in respect of any aspect of the Competition, the Promoters’ decision is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.

15. By entering the Competition, entrants agree to receive further communication and direct marketing material from the Promoters, and their holding and subsidiary companies, provided that the entrants may opt-out of receiving commercial communications at any time via the appropriate opt-out mechanisms provided by the Promoters for such purpose.

16. This Competition shall comply with, and will be subject to, any peremptory provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (“CPA”) and the regulations promulgated thereunder, which are deemed to be incorporated herein (“Peremptory Provisions”). In the event of any conflict between these Rules and the Peremptory Provisions, the latter shall prevail. Copies of the CPA and the regulations promulgated thereunder are available on the Department of Trade and Industry Website : www.dti.gov.za.

17. Any provision of these Rules or the Competition which is held to be invalid or unenforceable shall be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability without invalidating or rendering unenforceable the remaining provisions thereof.

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