starfishmobile.com Call to Win Contest 2014-15 Nigeria : Starfish Mobile

Name of the Organization : Starfish Mobile Nigeria
Name of the Contest : Call to Win Contest 2014-15
Country : Nigeria
Contest Entry Period : 5th October, 2014 – 5th January 2015

Official Website : http://www.starfishmobile.com/

Call to Win Contest Terms & Conditions :

This Contest is brought to you by Starfish Mobile Nigeria, a company incorporated as per laws of Nigeria (“Starfish” or “Organizer”) and the Prize(s) of the Contest shall be sponsored by Starfish or any third party agency appointed for this purpose by Starfish.

Related : WAAW Foundation Scholarship For African Female Students Nigeria : www.statusin.org/4370.html

This Contest is purely on “best effort” basis and the participation is voluntary for the eligible applicants.

An Applicant, by participating in the Contest hereby agrees to the Terms and Conditions mentioned below and gives his/her consent to the criteria and process of selecting the winner(s) as set out herein, and any appropriate changes that may be made to this Contest by Starfish due to any legal or regulatory requirement, instructionsfrom any judicial or a quasi-judicial body or due to any natural calamity beyond the reasonable control of Starfish, its affiliates and associates.

Also, by participating in this Contest, the applicant :
** Warrants that he/she has read understood and agreed to conform to these Terms and Conditions.
** Warrants that the accuracy, truthfulness and currency of all information that he/she may have submitted.

2. Contest Entry Period :
The Contest is open for a limited period from 5th October, 2014 and ends at 5th January 2015 [90 days ] .

3. Qualification& Eligibility :
The Contest is open to those subscribers of Etisalat who fulfill the following criteria :
a) He/she must be resident of Nigeria and above 18 years of age.
b) He/she must be existing active & registered subscriber of Etisalat and not merely player using such mobile number.
c) He/she must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind; and
d) He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court orders etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.
e) He/she must have sufficient Balance against his/her mobile number. The communication mode for the Applicant shall be in English.

4. Rules :
Users can enter the ‘Call to Win Contest’ by dialing IVR short code 21212 and get a chance to win variou prizes. The contest will be played over IVR and will comprise of questions from various categories like General Knowledge, Entertainment (Nollywood), Sports and so on. The customer of the contest will be charged 20 Naira per minute throughout the contest period
** User dials 21212 to start playing the contest.
** Each question will have two options to select the answer from, for each right answer 10 point will be awarded.
** After every question user will be updated with his score.
** All the users playing the contest will be ranked based on their score.
** Weekly prize for a user ranked highest in a particular week.
** Grand prize for a user ranked highest after the complete duration of the contest.

Options while you play :
** To play the contest, Press 1
** For contest Rules, Press 2
** For contest prizes, Press 3
** For contest T&C, Press 4
** For score, Press 9

5. No liability :
STARFISH shall not be responsible for electronic transmission errors resulting in omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operations or transmission. STARFISH is not responsible for theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials, or for technical, network, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware or software malfunctions or limitations of any kind. If for any reason the Contest is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the Contest, STARFISH reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest. STARFISH further reserves the right to disqualify any Contestant who tampers with the submission process or any other part of the Contest. Any attempt by an Contestant to deliberately damage any Web site or undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest is a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, STARFISH reserves the right to seek damages from any such Applicant to the fullest extent of the applicable law.

6. Prizes :
1st Prize Winner 5 Days all-expense paid trip to Dubai for one person with a $500 shopping allowance. N350,000
2nd Prize Winner 32 Inch LED TV and Full DSTV Setup with 6 Month free DSTV Subscription. N120,000
3rd Prize Winner 32 Inch LED TV N45,000
Daily Wins Recharge Cards N120,000
Weekly Wins Ipod Nanos, Club souvenirs and Jersey, Mobile Phones. N180,000
Monthly Wins Blackberry Phones, Ipods, and Laptops N150,000

7. Taxes and Duties :
Distribution of Prize or payment of prize money might attract taxes and duties, as may be amended and applicable from time to time. To claim the prize, all the applicants shall pay such taxes and duties to the respective authorities and produce the proof of such payment prior to disbursement of the prize or prize money. Applicant hereby irrevocably authorizes STARFISH to deduct any such taxes and duties as may be applicable under law or hereafter amended from time to time.

8. The Winner shall not be entitled to the prize, in case he/ she fails to clear all outstanding dues payable to Etisalat Nigeria and / or is not an active Subscriber of Etisalat Nigeria on the date of claiming the prize.

9. All decisions of the Organizer in respect of all transactions under this Contest, including without limitation the selection of Winners and other related transactions shall be final and binding and no complaints, claims, correspondence or communication shall be entertained in this regard.

10. All prizes offered in this Contest are subject to availability. Organizer reserves the right to provide alternate models or brands of the same value or issue a Bank Voucher (defined below), for the value of the prize won under the Contest after deducting applicable taxes, which may be redeemed by the Winner at stores accepting such Bank Voucher, without prior intimation or consent of the Subscriber.

11. Winner(s) shall be selected by a panel of 3 judges to be appointed by the organizer. The decision of winner(s) will be made on the basis of maximum points earned during the contest period. The decision of the Panel of Judges shall be final and binding on all the applicants. No appeal or review shall lie against the decisions of the panel appointed by organizer.

12. After the selection and validation of the Winners of all the prizes under the Contest, the Winners will be contacted, by calling them on 3 consecutive days on the number of the Winner registered with Etisalat, Nigeria, and will be given further details as to how, when and where they can collect their respective prizes. In the event the Winners do not answer the calls of the Organizer. The prizes must be claimed by the Winners within 30 days from the date of Intimation to the Winner, failing which, the prize(s) will be deemed to be forfeited by the Organizer(s) under the respective categories under the Contest. The prizes offered under the Contest may be given to the Winners during a special event, the venue, date and time of which shall be announced by the Organizer, at its sole discretion, subsequent to completion of the Contest. All cost and expenses of collecting the prize shall be borne by the contestant.

13. Without prejudice to the foregoing Clause, any failure on the part of the Winners of the Contest to comply with directions issued by the Organizer shall entitle the Organizer, at its discretion, to cancel and forfeit the prize for the said Winner and/or the same prize will be given to the next eligible Winner.

14. The Subscribers hereby agree and undertake not to hold the Organizer, Etisalat Nigeria and/or any of their group entities or affiliates, their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, vendors, responsible for or liable for, any actions, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses, either direct or remote that they may/might have suffered, sustained or incurred, or claim to suffer, sustain or incur, by way of and /or on account of their participation in the Contest .

15. Prize(s) shall neither be transferable nor exchangeable for cash, unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Organizer. Mere participation in the Contest shall not entitle a Subscriber to the prize. No other person or agent can claim the prize on behalf of the Subscriber, unless expressly mentioned herein.

Terms & Conditions : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/4907-call-to-win.pdf

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