vodacombusiness.co.za Sign Up & Win Competition 2014 South Africa : Vodacom

Name of the Organization : Vodacom
Name of the Competition : Sign Up & Win Competition 2014
Country : South Africa
Competition Dates :

Official Website : https://www.vodacombusiness.co.za/

Sign Up & Win Competition Terms and conditions :

Vodacom (Pty) Ltd (“Vodacom”) is running the Submit a lead and stand a chance to win a HTC One Competition (“the Competition”) on the Vodacom Business website, https://web.archive.org/web/20160203211309/https://www.linkedin.com/company/vodacom , https://www.vodacombusiness.co.za/business/home

Related : Vodacom South Africa 20x More Summer Competition : www.statusin.org/5277.html

1. The Competition runs from the 19 November to 00h00 on the 28 November 2014

2. One (1) lucky entrant stands a chance of winning one (1) HTC One (M8) handset.

3. To enter :
** visit https://web.archive.org/web/20160203211309/https://www.linkedin.com/company/vodacom, https://www.vodacombusiness.co.za/business/home
** Click on the link on our LinkedIn page and get redirected to a Competition HTC page
** Select any of the Vodacom Business deals and proceed to “Order Now”
** Accept Terms and Conditions and submit their details
** The Competition is only open to subscribers residing in South Africa
** Participants must be in possession of a valid South African identity document or permanent residence permit or temporary residence permit valid for a period exceeding 3 (three) months for the Republic of South Africa and valid at the end date.

4. Only entries received during the competition period above will qualify as potential winners.

5. Participants are only allowed to providing as many leads as they wish and each lead constitutes one entry into the Competition.

6. The winner will be randomly selected after the cut-off time of the Competition from all entrants who meet all the requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions. The verified winner will be notified within 1 week after the cut-off time of the competition.

7. There are no additional charges for participating in the Competition, but standard data costs as per user’s data tariff plan apply for data usage.

8. The Competition is also subject to, and must be read in conjunction with Vodacom’s existing terms and conditions applicable to its website and mobile site respectively : https://www.vodacombusiness.co.za/business/terms/terms-general-terms-and-conditions

9. Any participant under the age of 18 shall present their parent / guardian’s written consent to enter the competition at Vodacom’s request.

10. Vodacom will use reasonable efforts to contact the winner telephonically on the mobile number submitted as part of the participant’s entry.

11. The winners will be contacted during normal working hours, between 8 (eight) in the morning and 5 (five) in the afternoon.

12. Vodacom shall attempt to contact the winner for a period of 2 (two) working days after his/her name has been drawn and verified as a winner.

13. Should a participant not be available on the contact number provided during the timeframe stipulated above or rejects, forfeits or declines acceptance of the prize, that person’s right to the prize will be deemed to have been waived and the prize will be forfeited. Vodacom reserves the right to then award the prize to the next randomly drawn participant.

14. The winner must be able to identify him/ herself in a manner determined by Vodacom as the entrant of the Competition and has to comply with the required validation procedure in order to claim the prize.

15. Vodacom shall request the winners’ consent in writing to for their image and/or likeness being used and published by Vodacom in connection with the competition for a period of 12 (twelve) months after they have been announced as winners. The winners may decline the use of their image and/or likeness by Vodacom.

16. The prize is not transferable or exchangeable.

17. The duration of the competition may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of Vodacom.

18. The prize will only be delivered to physical addresses and will not be sent to postal addresses.

19. All risks and ownership of the prize shall pass to the winner on transfer/delivery thereof and hence all of Vodacom’s obligations in regard to the Competition as well as in regard to the prize shall terminate.

20. Notwithstanding the fact that the prize vests on the winner immediately upon the determination of the results, any prize that remains unclaimed/ undeliverable after three (3) months of the end date or no reasonable effort is made on the part of the winner to claim the prize despite having been advised of the results of the competition will be forfeited. Vodacom then reserves the right to award the prize to the next qualifying winner.

21. Vodacom shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the winner in claiming the prize.

22. In the event of a dispute in regard to any aspect of the Competition and/or the Terms and Conditions, Vodacom’s decision will be final and binding and no correspondence may be entered into.

23. Vodacom may refuse to award any prize if entry procedures or these Terms and Conditions have not been adhered to or if it detects any irregularities or fraudulent practices. Vodacom is entitled in its entire discretion to reject any participant for any reason and will not be obliged to notify participants that they are rejected.

24. Vodacom is not liable for any technical failures affecting participation and/or prize redemption process of the Competition.

25. Vodacom assumes no liability whatsoever for any entry that has been omitted from participation in the Competition for any reason whatsoever.

26. User data collected via the competition will not be used for any other purpose than for the competition only. Vodacom will store your information for as long as we are legally required to. If there is no legal requirement, we will only store the collected information for as long as we need it.

27. In order to effect the arrangements required for the prize fulfilment in terms of this Competition, Vodacom shall provide the winners’ personal information, i.e. name, physical address and contact number to a Vodacom approved third party (Ram Hand to Hand Couriers) for the purpose of distribution of tangible prize items.

28. Employees, directors, agents, contractors and consultants of Vodacom and all other participating companies and their immediate families, life partners, associates, or business partners do not qualify to participate or win in the competition.

29. Neither Vodacom or any other person or party associated with the competition, their associated companies, agents, contractors and sponsors and any of its personnel involved in the competition, shall be liable whatsoever for any loss or damage incurred or suffered (including but not limited to direct or indirect or consequential loss), death or personal injury suffered or sustained arising from either participation in the Competition or from claiming the prize.

30. Vodacom reserves the right to cancel, terminate or alter the Competition immediately and without notice in the event that the Competition is held to be or becomes unlawful. In such event all participants hereby waive any rights which they may have against Vodacom and acknowledge that they will have no recourse or claim of any nature whatsoever against Vodacom.

31. All information relating to the Competition and published on any promotional material will form part of these Terms and Conditions.

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